


7 years, 1 month ago


[ MALE ] x [ ARO/ACE ]

Marine is the head of a crew. He had gained control when him and comrades (at the time) had failed a mission and was stranded in the cold, probably in Russia somewhere. This had shocked Marine deeply, which had resulted in frequent panic attacks. Despite that, Marine was the senior member of the stranded group, and had taken up role as leader. There were times when his judgement was clouded or over exaggerated due to his fears, and there were times when he could barely get out of bed, but his allies had assisted him, and in turn Marine worked hard around the base when able, and watched over the younger members making sure they were alright. Stepping up to leadership wasn't an easy task, but Marine held strong for the others in the group.

Marine is stubborn and easily frightened. His leadership skills have developed over the time spent stranded in the cold with the members of his crew. Marine is more on the quiet side and is more solitary, but if the time calls, Marine will work with those around him and try to encourage them to strive for the best.

Note: His bio is still a massive wip ;w; I'm working on his story and balancing him out as a character, this is just the early stages!