
3 years, 7 months ago



|  Name - snap

|   Meaning - strong jaw, and occasional snappy attitude

| Previous Names -N/A

|  Gender -female

|  Age -19 moons

| Clan - tribe of light

| Rank - hunter

|  Breed - turkish angora- oriental shorthair-cornish rex mix

| Birth Season - greenleaf



|  Height - ripple max

|  Weight - Light 

|  Length - Long


|  Length - Mid-Length

|  Touch - Soft

Brief Description - snap is a light yellow she-cat with tan stripes and a cream underbelly. she carries with her a vine necklace of small teeth and bio-tech fangs, front paws/talons, right ear and spikes starting at her shoulder, ending at her neck. despite her thin appearance, she hides some muscle beneath her soft fur


Senses [Optional]

| Eyesight -  5

| Hearing -  7

| Taste -  4

| Smell -  5

| Touch -  6


| Health Points - 10 

| Strength -6

| Intelligence -3

| Agility -6

| Magic -1

she is an adventurous and overall independent cat, that can be snappy and impatient on occasion. she is generally fearless and prideful as well as bossy or rude. she highly dislikes to be babied but is still open to having a conversation and listening to what others may have to say



| Mother | talon

| Father | osprey

| Mate | N/A

| Offsprings | N/A


| brother | snake, thorn


snap was rather loud and rambunctious from the start, looking up to her mother from the stories she had been told by her father. she often rough housed with her brothers sometimes asking some of the older kits as well when they didn't feel like it. her claws and fangs made it hard to play at first but she eventually found a way around it.

her claws made it rather easy to rip and tear through prey and predator alike and despite her skill at being a fighter she ended up focusing on hunting as at the moment there were few who made it their mission to gather prey. she trained hard and sometimes wandered off on her own despite any warning or advice

{Warrior Hood}
somehow managing to get through her apprenticeship snap gladly took up the role of hunter to help the tribe but joined the fighters when an extra pair of claws are needed, she often forgets to ask for help and insists on doing some thing alone despite some close calls in her past due to this behavior. she goes from her day to day life, doing the best she can to help the tribe

snap briefly became mentor to a young tom, obsidian. she did her best to train him but despite her best efforts he always seemed to run from her, and upon the return of the tribe's medical leader she lost her trainee. she was hurt by this change, feeling as tho she failed to be a good mentor. while she has moved on from it and she supports obsidian, most mentions of him being her former trainee can get her down