Jude Muttonson



3 years, 4 months ago



Name Jude John-Michael Muttonson
Pronouns He / Him
Age 28
Birthdate October 29th
Height 5' 11" / 153 cm
Weight 220 lbs. / 100 kg.
License No. #008323
Level 3
Species Dubwool
Typing Normal
Profession Anarchist/Volunteer and musician
Theme Name of Song


  • His little sisters
  • Eating out of the cereal box
  • Shredding out his bass
  • People who think for themselves


  • The government, authoritarianism, capitalism
  • Police
  • Being told what to do
  • People who don't like his little sisters

Stats and Inventory

HP/CON 81 {+0}
SP.ATK/CHA 61 {-1}
ATK/STR 152 {+3}
SP.DEF/INT 101 {+1}
DEF/WIS 101 {+1}
SPD/DEX 94 {+0}

Ability | Fluffy

Halves the damage taken from moves that make direct contact, but doubles that of Fire-type moves.

PSYCHIC | Guard Split

The user employs its psychic power to average its Defense and Sp. Def stats with those of the target.

NORMAL | Stomp

The target is stomped with a big hoof. This may also make the target flinch.

NORMAL | Headbutt

The user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target. This may also make the target flinch.

NORMAL | Last Resort

This move can be used only after the user has used all the other moves it knows in the battle.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Battle Item | Battle Item Name

Battle Item Description Goes Here.

Contest Item | Contest Item Name

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Contest Item | Contest Item Name

Contest Item Description Goes Here.

Berry Item | Berry Item Name

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Berry Item | Berry Item Name

Berry Item Description Goes Here.

Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Misc. Item | Misc. Item Name

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Jude is the local anarchist garbage man. Anyone who takes a glance at him will notice the many peircings and tattoos dotting his physique and the variety of patches and studs emblazoned across his leather vests. He looks like he could and would punch you if you got too close, but the friendly smile he sports could very easily lull one into a sense of security.


Articulate | Hardworking | Passionate

Having to grow up faster than he was ready to do meant more time learning to be an 'adult'. Jude is extremely aware of his emotional impact on people, but it doesn't mean he's impervious to making mistakes that affect others. He's worked from adolecence to help raise his sisters and continues to push through to put his whole heart into his actions. If he's doing something, its because he wants to.

Undogmatic | Intense

Sometimes his passions burn unbelieveably hot, and while it's great for collective morale and for achieving his goals, those who cannot keep up on their own will be dragged along beside him. He responds poorly to authority, particularly with presenting a flagrant middle finger and chooses a path that instead allows him to think more freely.

Devious | Impulsive | Provocative

Being an anarchist who's worked and learned from OTHER anarchists, he's developed quite a repetoir of skills. From talking circles around incriminating himself and knowing how to sleuth through less than above the table means to figure out who people are, he's knows how to get stuff done. In the heat of the moment, he's prone to behaving provocatively, especially when he's being faced with confrontation. He wants to get a rise out of the other person, if not to find a weak spot in the argument, to assert himself as not willing to back down. Whether or not it's a good idea doesn't often cross his mind in the moment and for sure, he reacts more on impulse and instinct rather than carefully plotting his next moves.


CW: mature themes and instances of Child Neglect/Abuse.

Born out of a failed marriage, John-Michael was the first and eldest child of the family. Raised in a decrepit trailer park with his emotionally absent mother. The first few years of his life he spent crawling around the cigarette-ash powdered floor of his small mobile home. He knew from a young age that he was just a source of income for his mother's ill-gotten habits-- His biological father was a well-off man who was more than happy to pay to keep his mistakes from bleeding into his professional life, this including the son he chose never to get to know.His mother wasn’t shy bringing this up from time to time as reason for why he should behave. Men would come and go from his life as his mother cycled through boyfriend after boyfriend, doing the bare minimum to make sure that her firstborn was ‘taken care of’. This meant many days spent locked in his bedroom with a box of crackers, some juice boxes and a few toys to tide him over.

There were only a few good things to come out of those dark years, and at first, it was the birth of his first sister when he was four, Roxie-Belle. Another child to keep him company as he got older, his mother assured-- something to keep him occupied. It was just the two of them- the same song and dance of neglect, just with a new baby. This was repeated again when the birth of Dakota-Joy brought a third and final kid into the mix. By that point, Jon-michael had seen his share of darkness and he was keen not to let his new baby sister feel as alone as he had. For being eight, he had to learn to grow up, and grow up fast.

He struggled in school, unable to focus- lashing out and fighting with other kids and teachers. Being branded a ‘problem-child’ was something he had become used to hearing when he couldn’t explain why he had stolen from and pilfered through other student’s lunch bags or why he tried to take classroom supplies home with him. This streak of rebellion and struggle only grew exponentially worse as he got older, when he became more aware of how impossible his world felt. By age 12 he almost single-handedly was raising his two sisters as his mother drank away and smoked up the trailer with his newly minted, shit for brains, step-father.

Highschool was next to impossible for him- being put through juvenile detention for physical fights with his mother and stepfather meant that his records were tarnished. He tried so hard to do everything that he could to keep their eyes and hands off Dakota-Joy and Roxie-Belle and at one point it just became too much to try and balance in favor of the systems he was expected to step in line to. In his freshman year he simply stopped going- choosing to find ways to make money under the table to support his sisters. He would frequently skim the medications, drugs and liquor off the stash his mother and step-father kept, dealing out to make sure there was always money in his pocket to feed himself and his little sisters.

He thought that if he could just squeak by until he was eighteen he could get them out of there- but after some time, step-father noticed the missing goods when John-Michael took the risk of selling more than he knew he could get away with. The fight that occurred when he was confronted was bloody and violent as the 16 year old brawled with the man who deemed himself king of the house and entitled to everything within it. The police were called by neighbors after the blood curdling screaming of his mother and the howling anger between the two of them woke half of the park. The fight hit a fever pitch when John-Michael was dragged out into the street by the man and the wailing of sirens and flashing lights blotted out most of the memory as he was thrown into the back of the police car and dragged away to be locked up.

He’ll never know why it wasn’t his step-father that was taken away.

John-Michael spent a lot of his year long sentence reading, thinking, and worrying about his sisters, acutely aware that he wasn’t welcome back to the trailer. He wrote to his sisters as often as he could, paying for calls that may not reach them- anything to let them know that he didn’t abandon them. There was nothing more freeing than when he was released, but the pain of exiting and there being no one there to greet him stung like a bitter drug. He was able to get into contact with his sisters one last time to let him know of his plans to pave the road for their escape.

It would be a few more years before it could come to fruition, and in that time, John-Micheal -now going by the name Judas- found himself in the region of Marlios. Strapped down with a job as a garbage collector during the day and part of a punk band during the night, he had worked to save up as much money as he could spare to mail to his two little sisters, sealed in a jar and with instructions on where they’d need to go to get to him. Somewhere safe.

With his sisters now within reach in a seedy little place down the road from his own little flat, he rests easy knowing that they still have a chance to know the freedom they only had dreamed of when they were children.



Roxie-Belle Muttonson [ Sister ]

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Dakota-Joy Muttonson [ Sister ]

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Character Name [ relation ]

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