Oak Harper



7 years, 23 days ago

Basic Info


Pizza delivery man and college; studying to be a psychiatrist


Younger sister is Zoe Harper, both parents are deceased. All four of his grandparents passed early due to lung cancer (smoking) or from suicide. Depression ran in his family's genes. Only one of his uncles is alive currently, but he is locked in jail for possession of marijuana.


Calm, medium pitched voice. Closest sounding voice is the 30 seconds to mars lead singer



Oak Harper

Name // Oak Jay Harper Age // 19-25
Alias // Oak Birthdate // February 3rd
Sexuaity // Homosexual Gender // Male
Significant other // Aspen Ukenyo Species // Human


Height // 6'3" Weight // 134 pounds
Skin // Light Eye color // Blue/Purple with contacts
Hair color // Sky blue Hair style // Short, side-swept

Oak has naturally blond hair, but has dyed it to be light blue. His eyes are brown, but he usually wears purple contacts. Because of his poor eyesight, he was given glasses at the age of twelve. At thirteen, he decided to use contacts as his alternative. When he was 17, he began wearing colored contacts. He started dyeing his hair light blue at the age of sixteen.   Oak has pale skin (light apricot) and freckles that cover the top of his cheeks and lightly dust his nose.   Oak's favorite colors are blues and purples, so he tends to wear those colors most often. However, for his job as a pizza deliverer, he is required to wear a red polo shirt.   Oak stands at 6'3 and is 134 pounds.


Oak is outgoing and kind to everyone he meets. He is never afraid to talk to anyone. He hates to be mean most of the time, but if you really make him mad, he will yell. He's a lot like his sister, except he's not as popular as her. He likes to focus more on his studies rather than making millions of friends. He's rather strict about homework and doing the right thing. Oak is very hard on himself, so if he fails his goals, he goes into a very depressed state of mind for weeks or months.

Likes //
  • meeting new people
  • sketching
  • music
  • getting good grades
  • success
  • proving to others that he's great
  • men
  • family
Dislikes //
  • arguments
  • seeing people sad
  • depression
  • failure
  • Jake
  • demons
  • homophobes




  • Has a corgi