Heather Matheson aka Hawk



3 years, 4 months ago


A shapeshifting raptor girl. She's proficient in weapons and a good quick killing. She hates people who try to one up her and has a fiery attitude. Her best friend is an Australian graffiti artist named Olivia "Liv" Spencer, who is also an empath. Despite having powers, she hates the superheroes and wants to get revenge on as many as she can for them murdering her family when she was younger. 10/10 a clever girl. 

Age: 27 Height: 5’5 Gender: Female Accent: Slight farmgirl/country Eye color: Orange Hair color: Fawn blonde Skin tone: Medium light Distinguishing feature: She has orange eyes so she either wears contacts or sunglasses. Outfit: Usually a plain colored shirt and jean jacket with dark blue jeans. Black or brown boots. Keeps hidden knives in her boots and between her boobs. Weapon of choice: Her raptor claw or pistol. Powers: Can turn into a raptor. Good at moving around unheard and unseen. Can make her long raptor claw appear in human form. 
Skills: Good for a quick, quiet, and clean kill while remaining unheard and seen. Proficient in weapons and sneaking around. Surprisingly strong and fast, a little above the average human being. Other: Supes left her family to die during an earthquake when she was a young teenager. Nobody else in her family had powers so she was able to escape but she resents the supes who let her family perish. Since then she has been working side jobs as an assassin. Known for a quick kill and clean get away, she didn’t like working with others until she met Olivia Spencer. Distrustful of most people.