


Name Dewi
D.O.B. March 1st 2003
Build         5'5", slim, noodle nerd arms
Species Human
Gendermale-leaning genderqueer
Orient. Bisexual (or queer)
Pronouns he/him
Occupation         Retail worker, John Constantine's apprentice/sidekick, honorary Titan
Creator Me!
Worth not for sale
Fandom Hellblazer
Design Notes

  • Big puppy eyes, messy hair, a lot of cold-toned clothes contrasting his warm-colored self
  • Right ear is pierced
  • Glasses
  • Scar on top lip
  • Needs to wear his crystal pendant always
  • Curly hair (naturally black, often dyed periwinkle blue)

Curious, passionate, compassionate. The world is so fascinating and he wants to learn as much about as he can. Definitely tries to take the lemons and make lemonade, lemon pie even! He's rather wise and mature for his age, often ending up taking care of someone older than him. However he's not too fly in social situations and his emotions aren't as mature, often leading up to unhealthy mechanisms. He wants to see the best in everyone, often putting their better qualities over their flaws. However, he may get lost in the black and white thinking at times. His adoration and curiosity often blind him to the red flags and dangerous situations, making him vulnerable. Doesn't want to make those around him feel bad or uncomfortable so often masks his negative feelings.

STRENGHTS: curious, hard-working, self-disciplined, compassion, empathy and sympathy, optimism

WEAKNESSES: naive, easily distracted or oblivious to his surroundings, not the best in social situations, can't set healthy boundaries


  • Undiagnoed ADHD and autism; anxiety
  • He grew up in an orphanage in London, but his biological parents were Welsh
  • Skills and talents: good with tech and programming, remembers a lot of small facts, knows basics of magic, can use water and astral magic
  • Headcanon voice: Damson Idris (eng). Damian Kulec (?, pl)
  • More detailed character sheet





  • reading
  • documentaries
  • science shows
  • sweet animals
  • video/computer games
  • sweet animals
  • adventures and road trips
  • board games
  • magic, occult
  • paranormal stuff, science theories
  • sleeping
  • sweets (especially pastries)
  • water

  • loud noises
  • getting surprised from behind
  • arguments and bullying (even more when it's towards someone he cares about, not necessarily himself)
  • not knowing what's going on
  • sports
  • confrontations
  • too hot weather
  • slasher horrors

Name | Relationship


Name | Relationship


Name | Relationship
