


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Battle theme: Blood Red Roses


Luminous: Decay

Weapon Style: Long range needles

Status: Deceased?

Slain by Sa'rendis


First Name: Rashta'ni

Surname: (Of) Ma'ruel

Rank/Titles: Hostess and Political Leader of Social affairs, Belle of the Rose-thorn Salon, Alchemist

Nicknames: Rash, Moonfall, Mother of Twilight, Bugs

Birthday: November 21st

-Luminous do not age physically simply because of the passage of time,  they age physically as their power and control manifest.-

Power Level is a measurable number, and can change as Lumi experience different environments.

The general range is:  -1 to 1000  , with -1 being a powerless Lumi, and 1000 being the extreme limit to a  Major Lumi's power.

Height: 7'2"

Eyes: Blush Pink with an iridescence of mixed colors.

Hair: The same saturation as her twin, but rather than blue, her hair is more red. 

Build: This Lady is tall and curvy, an absolute ravishing beauty. Some are put off by some of her animalistic features (Scorpion Tail, Black stained hands and claws, and strange eyes) but some say those dangerous traits make her even more alluring.

Luminous Core: Decay (Major)

Power Level:  774



- Gaelix

- Dangerous things and creatures

- If it's not Gael's Music, she usually appreciates Jazz.

- Her 'Darlings', (Creatures she raises from egg/birth)


- Things that she considers "a waste of time"

- Lack of respect

- People who are ONLY after others for pleasure (Stars above can't help you if you target her brother with this nonsense)

- Things that are overly sweet


Shards(Children):  0

Siblings: Morgaedium, Loku'al, Sal'rendis, Co'conna, Gaelix(Twin)