


6 years, 11 months ago


【Name】 Ferris Oliviero
【Age】 23
【Gender】 Male
【Origin】 Gay Church Crush
【Status】 Taken
【Alias】 Fae, Ferry
【Sign】 Cancer
【Orientation】 Homosexual
【Ethnicity】 Indo-African (Mixed)
【Theme】 Issues

Ferris is mixed in all forms.

He is mixed in terms of ethnicity, with a black father and an Indian mother. He is mixed as a mutant - Though his mother's powers did not exactly carry over, he has her appearance and judgement for most people. He has a dull sense of others souls - Who they are, what they’ve done, and if they’re fundamentally good or not. Unfortunately, it’s a very dull feeling. He tends to chalk it up to everyone being awful.



✗ Serious|Anxious|Unempathetic|Unconfrontational|Aggressive

✓ Loyal|Protective

(expanded): Rarely expressive and can be downright rude at times. He doesn’t enjoy talking when it's not needed, or hearing people when it's not needed. He has no qualms about walking away from a conversation or turning off his hearing aid in the middle of someone's sentence. He is hard of hearing and speaks mostly through American Sign Language and notes, and even then it’s a longshot to have a conversation longer than 4 minutes. He has problems empathizing and being sympathetic towards others, but it is something he tries to work towards for people he deems worthy. It is not from choice to disregard others, his brain simply can’t process it. When he does become attached to someone, he becomes more relaxed and protective. Unfortunately, he has trouble keeping friends because of his dismissive and unsympathetic nature.

Ferris is very averse to change. He doesn’t understand the concept of reaching for more if you’re happy as you are, as he finds it unnecessary and difficult. Things moving too fast tend to make him act out aggressively, or to shut out things entirely. He’s entirely set in his ways, and set in a schedule that he follows nearly to the tee. People disrupting this is what causes the end of any type of relationship he may have. People move on without him.


 Ice Skating

Ferris enjoys the cold. Ironically, his works very well with his chosen profession. What he lacks in grace in social skills, he makes up for in grace on ice. You can find him at the skating rink at least 6 hours a day, wearing nothing but a thin sweater and his ice skates - A failed attempt from his mother to get him into more aggressive sports at the age of 12. He rejected hockey and instead kept the skating aspects. He did small competitions and classes as a teen, but never reached for anything further - He was happy where he was, and still is to this day,


Everyone knows the age old saying - Those who can’t do, teach. Despite his disdain for dealing with adults, to everyone's surprise, Ferris is an excellent teacher. He turned his passion for ice skating into a job where he decides his own rules and hours, which is something he needs control over in order to keep balance in his life. Like every good teacher, he was able to change his teaching style to be customizable for each and every student. He teaches primarily mute, Deaf, hard of hearing, and kids on the autism spectrum.


As aforementioned, Ferris follows his life to a very specific beat. He accommodates changes slowly or not at all. This is primarily done through schedules, which everyone in his life will have a copy of. They are done very thoroughly and at the beginning of each month - If it’s one thing Ferris excels at, it’s being on time, and doing things on their day.


【Height】 6’2
【Skin tone】 Dark skinned
【Hair Color】 Naturally dark brown, bleached on one side (Maintained every week)
【Demeanor】 Sharp posture, resting bitch face - Never smiling
【Build】 Lean and muscular, but slightly broad.
【Eye color】 Blood Orange
【Hair style】 Bowl cut, extremely wavy
【Style】 Dressed conservative - A lot of blazers and sweaters

Ferris’s appearance could be described as almost frightening. He has very strong and contrasting features - He would look nicer if he smiled, but the probability of that happening is low.

Notes (For Drawing)

Ferris has a very blended sclera - It's barely noticeable against his skin, which makes his eyes pop out more.

His left side of his hair is more beige.

His hair is not straight - He’s a dark skinned man with black people hair.



(SLOWLY BEING ADDED) Ferris was born in a fairly middle class neighborhood. For ten years, he lived fairly happily with his twin sister, his father, and his mother.

This all changed very quickly.

When Ferris was ten, his Father was shot in an altercation with a police officer. This crippled their family, with their father being their main source of income and a core member of balance in Ferris's life. His mother had to move her two children out of their nice neighborhood due to not being able to pay their bills, and work two jobs just to support her children. Ferris was unable to process the face that his Father was gone forever for a very long time - He only knew two things. His Father was gone, and a policeman had taken him away. This is where his hatred began.


Into his teen years, Ferris went deeper into his antisocial tendencies without the aid or support of his Father. He primarily followed his sister around and stayed in the background of her social escapades, a silent brooding type that didn't like to be bothered. Anyone who attempted to socialize was usually ignored or stared at until they went away. If they were persistent, he resorted to taking out his hearing aid (A start to a bad habit). While his sister played hockey with the neighborhood boys, he sat on the steps of his porch, watching not in longing, but in boredom.

Curabitur blandit nibh vitae bibendum dictum. Aenean aliquam odio lorem, vel dapibus nisi egestas non. Sed tellus nulla, cursus at arcu sed, congue scelerisque justo. Nam dui ex, dapibus quis scelerisque sit amet, egestas elementum ipsum. Quisque at massa rhoncus, cursus lorem vel, egestas sem. Nulla nec odio a ex dapibus tempor in non lectus. Etiam lectus eros, fringilla sed dignissim eu, vehicula nec tortor. Suspendisse commodo mi nec eros maximus, quis ultrices massa malesuada. Donec imperdiet congue quam, id accumsan mauris consectetur ut. In maximus dui fringilla, vehicula sem ac, egestas lorem. Etiam dui diam, blandit eu vestibulum vel, placerat id tortor. Donec faucibus, lorem eu lacinia sagittis, velit nunc semper dui, non rutrum ante lacus a orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sed elit ac tellus aliquam sodales. Aliquam erat volutpat.



Quell [ Best Friend ]

Quell has been attending the same church camp as Ferris since they were 6 years old. Since then, they’ve been inseparable, harboring a very unique understanding and love between them. They have countless letters, emails, gifts, inside jokes, holidays and more between them that built over the past two decades. They were each other's first kiss, and shared many other firsts in exploration of their sexuality. Ferris’s love for Quell went deeper than their friendship, which caused a rift that tore them apart for just a short time. But soulmates always return to each other.


  • Ferris has a trans-twin brother. Accepting his own homosexuality opened the door for him to have a better relationship with his brother. Prior, they hadn’t spoken for five years.
  • Ferris is on the spectrum - This is why he has problems empathizing and understanding others concerns and emotions.
  • Ferris is a devout Christian - His mother is Hindi, but she raised her children Christian in his Father's memory. This is partly why Ferris is so stubborn and stuck in his ways. He believes God has a plan for him, and whatever will happen, will happen.
  • Ferris has a deep fear of snakes. He doesn’t like the way they look, sound, or function. He often quotes the devil took the form of a snake in the bible, making it a creature of Satan rather than God. In fact, he has a tattoo up the right side of his body extending into his armpit. It is biblical, and it features a beheaded snake.
  • Ferris has issues with his liver processing certain sugars. This means he can eat virtually no sweets and very little fruits, as well as most american foods. He has to take vitamins and medicines to restore the nutrients his body can’t achieve. When he does eat pure sugar, things don’t get well. He gets extremely hyper and becomes a danger to himself and others. Following are severe stomach cramps and vomiting. Bonus: He has a heightened state of his powers in his sugar high.

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