Gale Perkins



3 years, 3 months ago


Gale Perkins

Nickname: Rin, Stormy

Age: 19, 20, 21, 22

Birthday: September 21

Sign: Virgo-Libra Cusp

Gemstone: Gale enjoys being different and using Moonstone as her Birthstone.

Blood Type: O-

Fav. Food: Nuts and Carrots

Hated Food: Meat. She never was fond of eating it, and ever since she could make her own decisions about it, she has chose not to partake in eating it.

School: DCU, Nursing Major

String: Gale is sure that she might have been a cat in another life. She loves string. She always has some with her, tied around her wrist for when she's bored, ready to perform all sorts of cats cradle-esque tricks for anyone who wants to watch, or just for her own amusement. When she's not out in public...or rather when she's not out in public doing something that requires her attention, she is crocheting, making anything and everything she can think of.
Yeah. She was totally a cat in a past life. Totally.

Card Games: Games like Munchkin, Cards Against Humanity, and even simple every day playing cards can bring Gale so much joy it is insane. She has friends over at least once a week, spending hours just nerding it up and playing card games. Maybe some of those friends bring some wine. Whoops. Either way, she almost always has a fresh pack of playing cards in her back pocket. You never know when a game of solitaire will be required.

Storytelling: Stories are a way of conveying one's feelings without causing any conflict. Or at least that is Gale's go to reason as to why she likes telling stories. Any sort of stories. Sometimes she'll even volunteer to be the DM at a table top event just so she can get a story across. She loves writing fanfictions and just regular fiction as well. One day she would really like to get some sort of novel published...and she has one that is pretty good, almost half way there, or so she likes to think.

Patient: Gale will wait at the DMV for hours, not complaining, not worrying about how much time she is wasting. She will sit still with breadcrumbs, waiting for birds to accept her as one of their own, and she will wait for her friends to let her know what's wrong if there is something, or invite her to some party. She knows the value of waiting, and will wait forever with someone. It's not an issue.

Accepting: People are different. They all have different likes and dislikes, and that is something that Gale realizes she can not control, so she doesn't try. If you like going out in the rain and singing about your fat cat, go for it, pal. She's not going to judge you. In fact, she'll be waiting inside for you with a towel and a cup of hot chocolate, asking how the singing went. So long as what you're beliefs or actions are won't hurt anyone, Gale will accept you without question.

Dedicated: While her love of string makes Gale think she was a cat in another life, the truth is she was probably a barnacle. When she attaches herself to a person or a project, she isn't leaving until the project is finished, or until the person pries her off with a spatula. Gale is a friend for life, no matter if you like it or not. There is nothing she will not do for you.

Gullible: Gale likes to trust what people say, she really does...though sometimes this trust becomes more like blind faith, and she ends up trusting whatever prattle comes out of people's mouths, not a good thing when it has gotten her into trouble quite a few times. Seeing the good in people is great, until they decided to use that against you in whatever way they can possibly think of.

Withdrawn: After years of barnacle-ing and then having bad things happen, Gale has started to become less social in groups, preferring to keep to herself and not to get involved in the lives of people she doesn't know. It is very hard for her to open up to others at first, and very hard to get her to engage large crowds. She's just not about that anymore.

People Pleaser: Gale likes people to be happy. Sure this often means she gets walked on or gets the short end of the stick...but if someone else is happy at the expense of her own happiness, that's wonderful, right? Of course this has led to her being labeled a complete doormat and quite often people take advantage of her kindness and turn it against her...but as long as they're happy, this is fine! Right? Right....? Gale would much rather you have a smile on your face, than she have a smile on hers. And a lot of the time, this fact causes her to not have a smile on hers.

Senshi: Sailor Kari, Senshi of Loyalty

Sailor Scout Attack: Loyalty Hurts
Sailor Kari holds out a hand towards an opponent and says the name of her attack, giving the opponent thirty seconds of pain. There is not any physical sign of it, and when the thirty seconds is up there are no lasting effects, but the level of pain that the opponent feels depends on his or her loyalty to chaos, the higher the loyalty, the more pain they feel. Can be used once per battle, on one opponent within a ten foot radius.

Super Sailor Scout Attack: Loyalty's Choice
Sailor Kari holds a hand towards an opponent or an ally, and says the name of the attack, giving either thirty seconds of pain as in the first attack, or thirty seconds of healing if it is for an ally. This healing may heal up small cuts or scrapes or bruises, and may speed healing of bone injuries by up to a week. The level of healing and again the level of pain depends on one's loyalty to either chaos or the white moon. This can be used twice per battle, on one opponent at a time, within a ten foot radius.

Eternal Sailor Attack: Loyalty's Curse
Sailor Kari holds up both hands, and a torrent of black energy feathers fly out, surrounding an opponent for a few seconds. When the feathers clear, the opponent sees the three people that are most loyal to them, surrounding them and breaking their bonds of loyalty, saying terrible things and just being...awful.
After forty five seconds the illusion dissipates. The victim of this attack is sill fully aware of what else is going on around them. The attack can be used twice per battle, one one person at a time, so long as they are in a ten foot radius.