Evan Willardsoren



3 years, 7 months ago


Evan Willardsoren is an older, past his prime, Dwarf who has left his wife, son, and granddaughter behind in an attempt to find a son who went missing nearly a hundred years prior. Along the way he learned that he was more than just a gruff father-figure to his new friends by experiencing his first "Rage" which was flavored to be a sheer rush of adrenaline rising up due to a determination not to see himself or his new friends die.

He fought demons, shadows, giants, and lost several companions along the way. 

Delphi, his Owlbear companion that he gained in an early encounter was lost in a fight against a Cyclops and two Ogres, and he has grown more vicious towards his enemies and far more protective towards his friends ever since.

Fun facts: My DM and I flavored his Beast Totem (Bear) to instead be an Owlbear totem (same mechanics, different flavor) and so he now has several features characteristic of Owlbears (feathered eyebrows, eyes). Also multiclassed into Moon Druid and the DM flavored all of the bear types as being Owlbears instead, again, same mechanics as normal bears, just far more frightening in appearance.

He's been semi-retired for the time being, but hopefully will see the light of day in future higher-leveled gameplay.