


3 years, 7 months ago


Keishara is an Elven Aasimar (ty PF for confusing me with versatile heritages) Swashbuckler who is an Emissary between Elidir and Absalom and normally makes that journey with a plethora of guards and other travelers. This time, however, Keishara timed herself well enough to slip away from her home and attempt the journey on her own, as a guard for a traveling caravan. With two companions, she found herself in a mess of chaos as she and her companions now rush to prevent the Fall of Plaguestone before her guards catch up to her.

The campaign I play her in is swiftly coming to a close, but I hope to bring Keishara's liveliness into future D&D games, since I've learned (over the course of 6 oneshots and one 1-5 campaign) that PF2e is not a system I really enjoy playing. I think I'll have fun trying to build her within 5e's rules as her character currently feels like a Roguish Bard mixed itself with a Paladin somewhere along the way (Lay on Hands is necessary in our PF2e game and we'd have TPK'd like... nine times without it).

Accent: English
Race: Elf - Versatile Heritage Aasimar
Class: Swashbuckler -- Wit
Weapons: Exquisite Sword Cane, Main-Guache, Daggers, and whatever volatile alchemical bombs she has picked up along the way.