Kristen's Comments

aww what a cutie~!

so I have a few things to offer if you're interested at all-

First, I have characters here I'm willing to trade. Ignore the prices for this offer if any catch your interest.

if nobody interested you, I do have some art examples! (I'm mainly a feral artist, but I Can Do Humans- they're just not my strong suite) and my art does have fast turn-around, usually within the same day-3 days depending on circumstances.

Thanks for the consideration!

Examples in the spoiler

Omg, your art is lovely! Would you be willing to do two fulls? Sorry for the late response, I am experiencing the flu

;w; aww I'm sorry to hear that!

sure! 2 full bodies? or 2 full scenes?

2 full bodies will be fine, would you do:

Thanks so much <3

Sure thing! :3

I'm so sorry for the wait ;w; lots of stuff happened irl. Nothing major, but definitely distracting. I should be able to get started on these kiddos tonight! Just wanted to update ya! 

Hope you're feeling better! 

tysm! Not a problem at all, take your time! <3

2 Replies

Unfortunately not, sorry! <3

Does anyone in my trade folder interest you.

no thanks