Abbie Attraction



9 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Abbie Attraction.
Nick Names: N/A
Date Of Birth(Age): Unknown (Looks 19 In human years)
Sex: Male
Race/Ethnicity: God of the Stars
Nationality: N/A
Birthplace: Star Kingdom - Space
Citizenship: N/A
Languages: Japanese, Alien (Star race), English, French
Religion/Beliefs: N/A
Sexual Orientation:Gay - Uke
Marital Status: Single


Spouse/Fiance/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Children: 1 Grown Child (Darrius)
Father: Unknown
Mother: Dead
Siblings: None
Step-Parents: N/A
Step-Siblings: N/A
Grandparents: Unknown
Pets: A star that follows him around (Shown as a small ball of light)


BIO:Abbie is known as the King of all stars, He is the one person who creates and cares for all the stars, planets and such that are born. He helps guide them. However through the years, He had seen the corruptness of life, How humans especially act and it makes his beautifully golden blood boil. He wants to obliterate them, Not to say he fell in love with a human who hurt him deeply. He is often refereed to as the bitch, Because he will snap at you, Toy with you and make you wish you were never born, He often finds his self in a world of trouble with the local police, However no one can seem to catch him, They don't know what he is, But humans have wanted to capture him for a very long long time, Specially scientist.

Abbie has the power to deplete the earth of oxygen if he wanted too, However if he did he would break protocol and the other gods and goddesses would punish him, If not worse, Have you ever heard of Pandora's box? Yeah that guy fucked up and was given to a girl and it fucked her world up. He don't want that at all, So he just deals with what he wants too, Sometimes he gos on rampages and slaughters people. Watching as they bleed out and beg for there lives, Though he knows this is wrong, Perhaps its just a call from attention? Or perhaps its his revenge for what the single human did to him.