


3 years, 4 months ago


" What do you want ? Don't waste my time."

♦Basics ―――――――――――――――

Name|  Yuxing

Name Meaning | From Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone, gem"   and 星 (xīng)  meaning "star"

Birthday|   March 20th

Gender/Pronouns|  Male    he / him

Species : Dragon

- is usually defined as a large reptilian creature possessing various abilities. They are considered a type of god in much of Asian folklore and monsters in Western folklore. The Dragon is the highest god in Gensokyo. It is a being capable of vast amounts of destruction - making thunderstorms occur, destroying mountains and blotting out the sky with a mere roar. However, it is also a deity of creation, responsible for things as fundamental as rainfall or the growth of vegetation. It only reveals itself when Gensokyo is in great peril, and was last seen shortly after the creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier. The dragon once brought dissonance into the world, from which everything was created and organized into the "ten powers". Other dragons exist as well, though little is known about them. ( From the Touhou wiki )

Status| Alive

Setting| Touhou

Hometown |  Dragon Palace

♦Appearance ―――――――――――


hair color|

Eye color| 

Clothing style | 

♦Preferences ――――――――――


- astronomy

-ice cream

-spicy food

- reading


-Vegetables and Fruits

- Children

-Touching | Hugs, hand holding, etc

- swimming

♦Personality ――――――――――

YuXing is a testy person who is rude and unfriendly, at the best of times he tolerates people. That being said he has a lot of patients and isn't particularly violent. Hes cunning and smart but keeps his knowledge to himself. Yuxing is brave often confronting problems head on including people. Hes not afraid to challenge people if they start arguing.

♦storytime  ――――――――――――

As the seasons were changing from winter to spring two dragon stones appeared much to the surprise of everyone present. When they hatched Yawen and his brother Yuxing  were born from these stones witch acted like an egg. Yawen and Yuxing were close growing up but it soon became apparent that the two were very different Yawen was small and delicate and Yuxing was strong and bold People often compared one to the other. It wasn't hard to guess that the two would drift apart as they aged, They often went exploring around Gensokyo sometimes together other times not always returning home to the dragon palace. Today the two brothers work hard to straighten their relationship and become closer as brothers but its not an easy path.

♦Relationships ――――――――

Yawen| Brother

The relationship with his brother is a delicate one there's good days and bad days. but at the end of the day they are brothers and when it really counts they are there for each other and will fiercely defend the other.

♦Trivia ―――――――――――――――

- He hoards jars of dirt

- Each jar of dirt is neatly labeled of where it came from  and displayed in his room neatly

- Stole a garden trowel from Yawen

- He doesn't like vegetables and fruits refers to them as " plants"  he will eat them if he has to but mainly he prefers other things

- Has sharp fangs  

- Has claws witch he keeps trimmed at the request of Yawen

- Swears but not around children or individuals who look like children

- Yuxing is an introvert needing to be alone to recharge

-  he loves ice cream a fact he keeps secret

♦Abilitys ―――――――――――――――

- Can create storms

- Can form clouds , this ability can be used to darken the sky/start storms/  or just to add clouds to the sky