


3 years, 3 months ago



Name Zosimus
Age ---
Sub Treeunknown
Level 1

" There's no lullaby in this nowhere land "


  • Being Busy
  • Hunting
  • Ambient noise


  • Laziness
  • Self-Interest
  • Unpredictability


RESPONSIBLE | Being very level headed and responsible is one of the very noticeable traits that Zosimus has. He takes pride in everything he does and never has to be reminded to fulfill his duties. He is typically one of the first done with duties and spends his extra time working overtime and assisting others.

CARING | Although Zosimus may look imposing, he is a very caring and nurturing cat. He will typically show his affections with actions instead of words, opting to help other cats with tasks and offering food.

DUTIFUL | Knowing nothing of what is to come, Zosimus takes every day very seriously and is diligent in everything he does. He isn't one to only focus on himself and he tries to do what is in the best interested for everyone.

QUIET | Considering that he does not remember his past, he does not feel as though there's much for him to speak on to those around him. He doesn't feel the need to talk often and prefers a comfortable silence over the sound of loud chatter. Typically if he does speak it's short responses, otherwise he will typically reply with a head nod.

OBSERVANT | Since he quick to finish things and assist with others, Zosimus is quick to pick up on the subtle things that the other cats may be feeling. Others may write him off if he is nearby since he doesn't interact with them much, but in turn it makes it very easy for him to just listen and watch.

IMPOSING | Zosimus is physically a very large and burly tom, which in itself can be very intimidating to others. Even with his stature, his expressions is what really will have others unsettled. He has a sharp gaze and a stern expression that gives him an air of pretentiousness.

AGGRESSIVE | When he is set of, Zosimus can be very intense and aggressive. He is not one to shy away from his ideals and is quick to intervene when someone is causing trouble. His intense gaze will turn sour and he will typically use his size to his advantage to intimidate others into stepping down. Although many back down, when it does come to a scuffle he does not show any mercy and prefers to pin down his opponents forcefully instead of striking them.

DOGMATIC | He has a big sense of pride and considering the situation they have be thrust into, he really believes in the greater good of the group. When others act selfishly he can be very forceful and will demand them to concede. Because he has such a high ideal for what needs to be done for the better of everyone, he often overlooks the individual needs others may need that may not quite fit in with that.

STIFF | Zosimus overall has a very stuffy and stiff personality and even physicals appearance. He is not easily swayed from his positions and openly challenges those who have different views. Since he is very dutiful he expects a lot out of others and is very particular about how things should be done.

