Richard Allman (Old Doc)




Rhythm guitarist, summoner and Death's student. 

Richard usually tries to be the sane man in the room, not one for small talk and tries to keep a level head should the room get too close to descending to chaos. He takes his work seriously, whether that be on stage or in his basement. Not to say part of him isn't curious or even vengeful, standing up for himself and sometimes giving the least trustworthy a verbal taste of their own medicine. He's way better at reading your triggers than the doctors give him any right to...


Born into a heavily religious family, where mere questioning of the church would result in abuse. Sister was the favorite child. Sometimes would even be locked away for 24 hours for punishment. Grew to make work around during childhood, used piano to relax. Eventually learned demon summoning out of pure spite. Developed an idea he wasn't enough/was too sinful. Was eventually diagnosed with Schizophrenia at 19. Parents tried to exorcise him. Ran away, believing he himself was a spawn of satan. Family has no clue where he went. Also changed last name and got rid of his middle. Began summoning recklessly to fufill this. Probably got possessed a few times. Met derek who helped him get help. Helped form a band. Summoned death itself for a drummer. Death is kind of like a gaurdian angel. They get decently popular before the satanic panic begins to catch up on them all. Tours with Angel's Tears regardless.

Fun Facts:

-Due to having summoned death, Grim gave him a bag of spears, dark and boney in nature. These have been enchanted with magic from death itself, and can sevearly injure, if not outright kill in one hit.

-He also has knowledge and experience with demonic summoning, and has built up some resistance to adverse effects that come from such.

-Used to play piano until the voices in his head grew too loud.

-The scars on his face were as a result of an episode not too long after some summoning, and that area got cursed during another summoning to slowly continue to grow.

-Said area does break like a rock would rather than skin

-Does metal screamo really well

-Heart necklace helps with summoning

-Calls street drugs "Lizzard Pills."


-Theme song: Pretty Handsome Awkward / Saint Bernard


-Battle theme: N/A

-Voice claim: Jepha Howard 

-DND Alignment: True/Rebel Neutral