


Basic Info


Cardinalkit - Cardinalpaw - Cardinalchirp

  • Cardinal = Red Coloration + Mother's Favorite bird | Chirp = Talkative yet peaceful
  • Female, She/Her, No Mate or Kits
  • Calls herself a "Traveling Warrior"
    • Her former clan had fallen apart and those remaining had become nomadic in search of a new home
    • Most have separated by now (happened when she was an apprentice) and now she is on her own
  • Has lost her youthful, mischievous energy for a more mature attitude
    • Only when she finds herself in a good mood does she start acting like how she used to
    • Things that also remind her of her past make her behave differently (locations, cats, smells)
  • Can never hide her signature playful grin
    • Usually the fail safe most fall back on for figuring out if she's in a mood or not
      • Usually isnt, so her scolding is always followed with a small grin when she leaves