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Name: Vladimir "Lada" | Pronouns: she/her they/them | Age  Range: adolescence- early 20's | Orientation: undecided |  Relationship Status: single

Lada didn't have the easiest beginning. Born to a mother that didn't want them, she was quickly abandoned to her uncle Infernos. Infernos, knowing he couldn't care for someone like Lada in his realm even though he really wanted to adopt her into his immediate family, he pleaded with Dunyasha to have mercy on the child and take on their care. Dunyasha-- or Dunya as her friends know her-- has been a loving and wonderful influence on a young Lada's life. For a long time, Lada was left feeling like they didn't deserve love and happiness, that they were a burden, but Dunya and Lada's new siblings spent so much time showing her love, compassion, and support to break her away from those toxic beliefs and thoughts about herself. Her siblings, Nox and Sol are very supportive and loving, even if they like to tease their little sibling and cause trouble now and again. Often, Lada will join them if she's invited to do so. Mostly though, she spends a lot of time on the mortal plane, trying to raise others up and get them out of bad situations, using what she's learned from her loving family and passing it on.