Abalos Audun



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info



Type / Traits

Elder / Tufted



Mate / Pups

Toffee Affogato (Grr) / 4 pups -


Audun 1


Abalos Audun

"Don't expect the desert to be merciful to strangers"

Abalos was born to two travelling akihiros, however neither wanted a pup. Their relationship was a fling, a brief companionship through the loneliness of the desert, and a pup was the last thing either of them wanted. However, they didn’t want to just leave the pup to die in the desert so they handed him off to the first family of akihiros they could find - leaving Abalos to be raised by a family of travelling merchants.

He learned the trade from them and, for a while, all seemed fine. But, as he grew, Abalos noticed how different he was from his family and began to grow resentful. He pushed them away and became cold and snappy towards them, without even telling them why. Eventually, he got over this but, before he could apologise to them, a freak sandstorm separated them and left him without a trace as to where they went. From then on, he continued his work as a travelling merchant without any clue as to where his family went but still continued his search for them.

His life changed when he met Toffee. They were inseparable from meeting and quickly fell for each other and became mates. Things were perfect for a while and the fire between them burned with passion and love. But the fire dwindled with the stress of taking care of their litter. Abalos had a litter with another aki who agreed to be their surrogate so that he and Toffee could have pups. The litter turned out to be full and raising four pups was a stress on both Toffee and Abalos. Abalos started to travel much more, making excuses like he had to make more money in order to support their kids, but he really just wanted to get away. Things between him and Toffee were becoming strained and he also travelled to escape from that.

On one trip, he passed out the heart of the desert. In his twisted dreams, he saw a vision of himself from the past, doing the same thing to Toffee as what he did to his adoptive family - shutting them out so he didn’t have to deal with the problem. As he remembered how that ended, he knew that he couldn’t keep shutting out his mate and knew that when he went home, they had to talk. The conversation was tense and difficult but he and Toffee made it through together. Being honest with one another and taking the risk to test their relationship only made them stronger together and, since, their relationship has been better than ever.


Name Abalos Audun
Age Adult
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Akihiro Inu (Elder/Tufted/Alchemy)
Birthday 4th September 2018
Height TBA
Orientation Gay
Occupation Travelling Merchant

  • Toffee and their pups
  • The desert
  • His Ty-Sca

  • Liars
  • Scorpions
  • Getting wet


  • Alablos has the ability to change the pressure on and around objects and creatures. For example, he could change the pressure on a coal to turn it into a diamond or make it difficult to breathe for a creature.
  • Despite being an elder aki, he has little difficulty handling the heat of the desert.
  • He hates getting wet because his fur becomes incredibly heavy.
  • His Ty-Sca sends messages between him and Toffee when he travels

Design Notes

  • Often braids his mane to keep it out of his face.
  • Usually wears flowers twisted into his mane.
  • He and Toffee wear gold bands on their tusks and in their ears, similar to wedding rings.
  • Has a long slash mark on the bottom of his foot from stepping on a sharp rock in the sands.



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