


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info








Human (with man-given powers)


Nonbinary (they/them)


Match was a failed test subject. They were taken away from their family when they were only 2. Ever since then, they have lived in a research facility, being tested on and being the subject of many experiments. The facility was originally to test plant life and make changes to see how they could improve the earth, but they got curious about testing all these theories on a living being, so that's when they took Match away. They treated Match well enough, gave them a place to sleep and gave them food, but that was nothing compared to what they went through during the experiments. At around the age of 10, Match realized they never had a name. The scientists would always call them "test subject," or something along the lines of it. During one of the experiments at that time, the researchers successfully gave match fire powers. Match was very interested in the fire and learned what matches were, and slowly began to call themself "Match" and told everyone else to refer to them with that name. Another experiment took place when Match was about 12. The researchers had tried to give Match the ability to see the future. Although this test failed, it resulted in turning their left eye white, and occassionally Match would get visions of the future, but they couldn't control when they saw the visions or how long they lasted for. When Match turned 14, they came up with a plan to escape the facility. Their first try failed, but after a second try, they managed to escape. After escaping, Match got as far away from that place as they could. Since they didn't know anything of the outside world, they didn't know where to go. They ended up living in an alley for a while until some kind stranger took them in. Due to all of these experiences throughout their life, they find it difficult to get close to others.

When first meeting Match, they can be quiet and reserved, to the point of giving off a harsh attitude to people they don't know. It takes time for them to be able to trust others, but once they trust you, they can become clingy and needy. Very attention seeking.


Likes:                                         Dislikes:

*Shiny objects                            *Being one-on-one with someone
*Girly clothes                             *Being misgendered
*Being annoying to others         *Large dogs
*Insects                                     *Being touched by people they don't know