Basic Info


Lawful Good


Martial Artist


Taken under the wing of Master Noodle, Ramenbeau is a martial artist who wields two blades and loves ramen noodles.

Ramenbeau fights to defend honor, whether it be her own or someone else's. She was trained by Master Noodle since she was three. Now, at the ripe age of nineteen, she has mastered the art of wielding two katanas.

Ramenbeau frequently spins when she attacks with her blades, and her signature attack is "Ramenbeau Wrap-Up" which is where she sweeps her opponent off their feet and then uses her blades to twirl them around in mid-air at a rapid pace before finishing with a cross-slash.


  • There were rumors that Ramenbeau's hair was actual ramen, but Ramenbeau herself disproved it by dunking her head in boiling water.
  • Ramenbeau's least favorite things, according to her, are: Evildoers, those that prove to be a disgrace to martial arts, and soggy ramen.