lanter lurpoa



3 years, 4 months ago


GlitchAnarchist [GA]


species: aquatic troll

bloodcast: violet

height: avarage 7,5 sweeps troll moment 

silladex: spearkind (technicly a harpoon)

derse /Heir of void


- his whoke oersonality seems "tired/im so fucking done with this bullshit"  easy to annoy/for him to question on something,   like a jaded teen but in a very polite way of saying things even if actions compketly reveal true feelings about anything

- isnt really liking the whole being a violet blood thing. not what it politicly entails, not the social position, nada, none of it. bc of what purple bloods in the deepest lake of alternia were up to(pretty evil stuff)

- and he cant really just. run away and hide becouse of all the dumped responsobility the group of 4 seadwellers in his original dumped on him, or can he? (fun fact they became friends at flarp sessions when they were wee wriglers)

-.. maybe he can 

- he COULD go hemoanonimous but if he got found out by the drones its a big sentanse, w it counting as treason and conspirasy but w help of his new friend circle he might as well just do it,   just the new hive gotta have an indoor pool ;>

- kismesis with Teraxu and he always calls him "my estemed rival" "my beloved nemesis", "dearly detested", "my cherished inevitable downfall" and stuff like that 


- his lusus is a huge whale. n demands quate alot of small lusai in bulk wich he can hubt himself tho sometimes neexs shipment of bunch (the ship usualy goes down too)

- usualy strifes w his lusus moby,-dick style