Kade Stellate



7 years, 1 month ago


 Kade Stellate 

Deceptive Clever Spiteful

"Put on a mask and don a false identity."9x1BQnU.png

Name: Kade Stellate
Pronouns: he/him they/them
Age: 21
DoB: June 30th
Gender: Bigender (Masculine/???)
Orientation: Gay
Race: White
Origin: Clock Town
Height: Not Tall
Build: Ectomorph/Slight Endomorph
Demeanor: Kind, if you're a stranger.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Kade is a very different person depending on who you ask, to the general public he's a very kind student in journalism who works hard and helps people out whenever he can. To the business world he's the supposed 'heir' to his parents' company, a rich child who spends his time confusing anyone who wants to work with his godforsaken family. If you're close enough you might learn at least what the general students at his college know, that Kade can be a nice and helpful connection but no god can save you from the social humiliation you'll suffer if you get on his bad side. Very few people glimpse Kade's true personality under all of the facades of kindness and even if it's just a glimpse he's still incredibly hard to read, so far only his boyfriend is able to fully understand Kade as he truly is and still care for him in the end.

 So who is he truly when you take away all of his facades?


He never misses a thing, every little detail behind someone's words and reactions is something he takes note of and might later use. Whether the use is good or bad for someone depends entirely on what Kade has to gain out of it in the end, so it's just better to be careful about what you say around him.


It's very difficult to get a true read on what he's thinking at any given time, some may claim he's emotionless even but really the signs of his emotions are just not as clear as most people. His autism is the cause of this though, and honestly he does feel bad at times when his intentions were misunderstood.


For most things he's not against trying something at least once, but considering the company he tends to keep around him? It can put him in more reckless situations than he ever expected he'd get involved with. This is mostly to blame on his boyfriend these days, as exploring creepy places has become part of the norm and might've even been a date idea.


Most of the time he relies more on his rational thought process than his emotional one, as those options just 'make sense' in comparison to how a situation makes him feel. This has it's pros and cons; but at least he's an expert at exceeding the expectations of his instructors and peers.


When you don't know him he can pass for a nice and sweet boy, but once you do know him it's easy to tell that he likes to mess with people he cares about. Catching them off guard with surprises might as well be a hobby to him, and one that he enjoys very much. Just be sure that you don't fall out of his favor, or this mischief will turn into spite in seconds.


  • Space
  • Journalism
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Video games


  • His bad eyesight
  • Being ignored
  • Unexpected drama
  • Being alone for too long
  • Being lied to


(Warning for mentions of parental neglect/abuse, homophobia, brief drinking, self-harm, attempted suicide, cheating, and some nsfw moments referenced as tame as possible.)

Kade's family used to own a simple business that worked with people who loved to stargaze, and this interest was passed onto Kade at a young age by his grandparents who started the whole thing. They passed away however and control of the business was passed to Kade's father, who was quick to throw the whole thing under a rug and do what he felt was best, appealing to whatever was trending for the time being for the general public. Due to their busy jobs Kade's parents didn't spend time with him at all while he was growing up, though he'd argue that they wouldn't spend time with him anyway as they didn't even want a child, and he's probably right.

He was left to his own devices as a child and practically raised himself as a result, the only time his parents started to pay attention was in high school. Kade started to learn more about himself and the world around him, getting to know what really interested him in terms of people and hobbies. He was finding he was pretty good at journalism, and found his way to maneuver his way into the 'popular kids' sort of group to get to know the latest gossip. He was dragged out to many high school parties over those years, and though his parents did pay attention they didn't care so long as Kade didn't become the subject of a police phone call. Which he didn't, he did drink illegally and slept around some but he got to know that he had zero interest in women this way. The only problem that came after that was the fact that the men in his school, were all dealing with some major internalized homophobia or were already spoken for. 

It was around this time that he'd started to dress in a way that made his gender a bit more ambiguous to people, and which is unfortunately what lead to even more problems with the closeted gay men considering him to be 'girly enough' to pass for a woman and therefore, they were not gay. Between this and having only a handful of friends he actually relied on for anything, Kade was mostly lonely going through high school. Things only got worse as the years progressed though, his parents started to pressure him about college and his grades more than they'd ever done before, and he felt isolated in dealing with these issues. Assignments piled up, social pressures cracked down, and the judgement from his family only got louder and louder. To anyone who could've known it would've been no surprise to learn that Kade had snapped at last in his senior year of high school. Throughout the year he'd turned to self-harm and a month from graduation his mother caught him having taken many medications he was not supposed to. He was sent off to the hospital, nothing was done for his mental state, and as far as anyone had known he'd simply had an accident.

He graduated, got accepted into Descoteaux University, and moved out of the house as quick as he could once school was going to start. Some of his old friends had gotten accepted as well and he felt a bit less alone and a lot more free being out of the house at last. But he'd also started seeing someone just a few months before high school had ended, and they'd also gotten accepted and were happy to continue this odd relationship with Kade. Hyde Dove's interest in Kade had been a joke for the longest time until Kade told him to stop talking shit and prove he was actually worth something. Their relationship could hardly be called a romantic one, but they played the minimum part of being boyfriends and just enjoyed the first year of college.

Except they'd gotten to a full year of dating, when Kade caught Hyde about to sleep with Jekyll Crowe. Came to learn he probably had been from the start of their relationship all along, and that was why he didn't interact with Kade's friends much for fear that they could find out. Relationship or not, betrayal was something that hurt Kade to his very core, but he didn't stay down for long. When he picked himself up again he was furious with Hyde, and hellbent on making him pay; and pay he damn well would. Kade had in the past few years of his life, ruined at least a few people who'd gotten in his way with small things that were easy to brush away given enough time. But what he did to Hyde was worse, Hyde had trusted Kade with a lot of his little secrets in wanting to show off what he was capable of to him, but this was his biggest mistake ever when all of them were plastered over social media. He'd been exiled socially with hardly any hope of getting up again, and Kade was pleased to watch him fall.

The next year came around, drama ensues around the school in more ways than one. But when Kade starts getting curious about it, his friend TK directs him towards paying attention to a stranger on campus who seemed awfully cute. Kade attempted to talk to him and was immediately flirted with, a nice surprise for certain considering the fact he was already interested in the guy and he seemed to be pretty enthused about talking to Kade more too. He learned his name was Loke, he showed him around campus, and all was quiet for a day after. But Loke had other plans by evening, he was intent on bringing Kade back over to where he had been living and getting to know him better. Though, this also had lead to impulsively sleeping with him.

Once again Kade found himself in a relationship that was mostly casual, but his time with Loke feels a lot different in comparison to Hyde. Loke has certain standards that Kade cannot meet for him so he does occasionally still see other people, but when Kade is around he only ever has eyes for him and he feels the same for Loke. His ambiguous backstory is a complicated one but Kade was able to accept all of it, and officially date Loke with actual feelings involved this time. Between the two of them they make for a cute but also absolutely horrifying couple, and Kade wouldn't have it any other way.


Story Summary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar.

Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat. Nulla vel dictum est, in feugiat augue. Fusce ullamcorper elit mauris. Ut eleifend velit dignissim eros finibus cursus sed in augue. Quisque arcu lacus, cursus nec erat nec, blandit laoreet lorem. Sed luctus facilisis vehicula.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar.

Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat. Nulla vel dictum est, in feugiat augue. Fusce ullamcorper elit mauris. Ut eleifend velit dignissim eros finibus cursus sed in augue. Quisque arcu lacus, cursus nec erat nec, blandit laoreet lorem. Sed luctus facilisis vehicula.




[ relationship ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.


[ relationship ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.


[ relationship ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.

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