


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Blythe Olsen


23 (January 4th)


Female (she/her)


Henrik Olsen (father) Nora Olsen (mother) Blake Olsen (younger brother) Garth Olsen (uncle)


Blythe grew up a latchkey kid, with only her younger brother Blake to keep her company. She didn't mind it much honestly, with no parents around they were free to spend hours making up games together and playing. They were pretty close, and in school they often pulled pranks together. Their father was busy with real estate and their mother spent her time as a business consultant, neither had time to discipline their mischievous children. They expected excellence from their children yes, but as long as their grades remained high everything else hardly mattered to them. So the siblings were used to getting away with things, and rarely faced real consequences aside from a harsh scolding from a teacher, or having to stand at the wall during recess. Things changed when at the start of sixth year, the siblings were put in separate classes in an attempt to curb their problematic behavior. Even though they could see each other at recess, Blake took issue with the fact they were being kept apart. Blythe moved on rather quickly and made new friends in her class, while Blake remained alone, and bitter to see her happy like this. She would rather do her hair and makeup than play swords in the forest with him. If she didn't need him, then he was determined to prove he didn't need her either. So, he joined band in school, and learned the piano. Truthfully, the other girls had started to make fun of her for having her brother as her only friend. So, before they could start picking on Blake too, she learned how to dress like them, look like them, and act like them, in order to rule them. 

When they entered Cherry Creek Academy, at first Blythe continued to ignore him, even in the few classes they had together. She feared if they started hanging out again, the girls would turn on them both. But she decided that was stupid, and she would do whatever the hell she pleased. So, she simply sat with him at lunch one day and began chatting. He was shocked, after being alone so long he had almost forgotten how good it felt to have a friend to talk to. Soon, things between them became tight knit once again, they were hardly seen not at each other's side. They became the most popular and most feared duo in school. Sometime during Junior year, Blythe teased she had an idea for one of their famous pranks again. Apparently, there was a rumor their classmate Liam Reid was in the closet. Blythe decided it would be funny if Blake asked him out to confirm if it was true. Blake agreed he wanted to know, and also thought it'd be fun. But the closer he got to Liam, the more unsure he became about the whole thing. When he did actually ask him on a date, he felt sick to his stomach doing it. On the night of the date, he barely spoke to him and felt awkward the entire time. After driving Liam home, he kissed him on the cheek and apologized for the lame night. He stayed home from school the whole week and ignored everyone's messages. Unbeknownst to him, during his absence Blythe outed Liam, and began spreading rumors that he tried to kiss Blake, and that Blake found him gross. All of this culminated in Liam attempting to take his own life. Thankfully he survived the attempt, and the instant Blake got word of it he was at his bedside. When he woke, Blake explained everything. He and his sister had played games like this before, but nobody had gotten hurt until now. Liam told him he was wrong, even if his victims didn't try to do what he had, it still hurt them. He realized he was right, and promised he would no longer be that person. Liam wished him luck on his journey, but told him he never wanted to see him again. It pained him to leave, he felt so guilty and just wanted to spend every waking moment making it right. But he respected his wishes and kept away. When he did finally return to school, he told off Blythe in front of everyone in the lunch hall and stormed off. Later she came and visited him in his dorm, and tried to justify the things she had done. They got into a heated argument and Blake let it slip that he was also interested in men, and what she did was cruel. After that he kept his distance from Blythe, becoming more reclusive and spending most of his time in the band room, making up sad ditties on the piano.

Being ignored infuriated Blythe, and after a few months she couldn’t take it anymore. When they returned home for half term holiday, Blythe outed Blake to their parents, who were horrified at what this might do to their image. He was practically disowned on the spot. Blake quickly packed his things and was gone. She tried contacting him but was blocked on every social media, so she resigned to pretending like it didn't matter. When she returned to school, people whispered about Blake's disappearance. She ignored them. Who can say if she regrets what she did, when she always has a smile on her face it's so hard to tell.