Lark Nova



3 years, 4 months ago


Starfinder character. Ace pilot and hotshot mechanic. Knows he's good and is way too cocky about it. Looks and acts like a petulant 20-something year old, but is a long-lived android who's been around since before the android revolution happened. Was created to be an innofensive translator android; he instead greatly desired to be a pilot and started to become less and less timid as he grew more frustrated with his situation. After the ship he was on was beseiged by android revolutionaries one day, he gladly got roped up in the good fight. At some point got caught up in a blast and had to replace some of his body-- the ship didn't have his exact replacement parts, but he now wears his mismatching colors with pride as it visibly shows him as an android, not a human. Has a prosthetic arm, leg, and rebuilt half of face.

Travels around as a pilot for hire now with his robotic dog that he built named Sparky. Likes "retro" music and making mixtapes.

Lark is agender, but goes by he/him or they/them.

Playlist: STARMAN