🐟 Salmon 🐟



6 years, 11 months ago



01 — About

Name Salmon
Nickname Sammy
Age 68+ years old
Gender male (he/him)
Height ~175 cm
Alignment chaotic good
Job/Class nomad & dancer
Orientation pansexual
Status single
Race half-demon

Commercial Use yes*
  • A cheerful and extroverted half-demon who loves to travel, dance and meet new people.

  • *Commercial use is granted for the following versions: default, all designs by me.
    Commercial use is exclusively for the purpose of making and selling merchandise of my own art.

02 — Personality

Salmon is an energetic and outgoing half-demon who spends his time travelling and entertaining. His cheerful demeanor makes people naturally want to dote on him, as a result he's able to easily fit in and adjust to new environments. Contrary to his social adaptability, Salmon tends to be a a bit slow witted when it comes to matters involving logic and wisdom (EQ>IQ). He rarely has any lasting friendships since he doesn't stay at one place for long, but he never forgets the friends he has made. His curiosity to learn new things and meet new people leads him on an endless journey around the world.

  • dancing

  • shiny coins

  • rain

  • fluffy creatures

  • solitude

  • tomatoes

  • riddles & logic puzzles

  • sitting still

03 — Background


Salmon is a mix between a pure demon race and another unknown race. His parents left him to fend for himself at a young age, however he holds no animosity towards them, only gratitude to have been brought into the world. The incompatibility of the mixed blood between his parents results in decay shown on his body (black hair, nails, sclera) that gradually spreads throughout his entire body. The spread of decay is accelerated by close contact and sexual relations with other races, however Salmon tends to crave affection and for him the fear of being alone surpasses the fear of death. His lifespan is many times longer than that of a regular human, and while he is in the early stages of his body's decay, the spread accelerate as time passes.

04 — Trivia

  • The demon half of the race Salmon comes from does not have set gender, meaning Salmon can change his body to have any or no reproductive organs. He is comfortable with any pronouns, however typically uses he/him since he is most often percieved as a male.

  • He sometimes develops freckles from the sun! Feel free to draw him with light freckles if you would like!

  • He has ADHD. A very restless boy who finds dancing to be an effective outlet.

  • Despite his agility and physical prowess, he doesn't know how to swim.

  • Pansexual with a preference towards men. He enjoys the warmth of being held by a larger body however he does not want to be dominated.

  • Power bottom.