Amara (Amara (Hiraeth))



3 years, 3 months ago



Losing Trust

  • Name Amara
  • Age 4
  • Height 1'6"
  • Occupation Chicken Rancher
  • Sexuality no
  • Personality

    Amara was, at first, a very distant person. They pretended to be a cute kitty, a caring individual. But on the inside they acted to fulfill a purpose. "Don't cause a stir. Don't ruin things. Don't object."

    Cat's worldview was completely shattered. And after that, they had to slowly rebuild everything. From relationships to beliefs to personality. They were still quite withdrawn, but they learned to care about others. They realized that their actions had consequences, and that other people mattered. They still don't know how to trust people. But they care deeply for the people around them.They're all cat has.
  • Appearance

    A two foot tall, pink furred humanoid cat, Amara sticks out easily in a crowd... if you can see them. Cat is part enderman, and seemingly lionlike? Having a black mane and all.

  • Likes Chickens and Flowers
  • Dislikes Technology
  • Backstory

    Amara was a normal cat once. They died at the hands of gods, and ended up being revived as part enderman. But they accidentally teleported to another dimension, that one being where Hiraeth was. They allied themselves with Raydeo, angry over dying from Gods. They wanted to make the gods pay. Plus, get home. They didn't really care about the other members of the island. If Birdie was the collateral for them getting home, so be it.

    Raydeo betrayed them. And after that, everything went downhill. Birdie was dead. And Amara was in jail. Amara at first accepted their fate, being partly to blame for Raydeo killing Birdie. But after seeing Raydeo was free, they left jail to fix things. Long story short, the founders semi-fixed things, and now Amara spends their days trying to make up for their past mistakes.

  • Birdie Friend?

    Amara hurt Birdie in ways they don't think they can fix. But they try to fix things, and they hope one day Birdie will feel alright. Birdie needs a break, and Amara would do anything to give them that.

  • Raydeo Betrayed (Enemy)

    Amara looked up to Raydeo. They seemed like the kind of person who took down pedestals, who destroyed hierarchies. Raydeo sure did destroy Amara's trust.

  • Vivian Betrayed (Enemy)

    Amara thought Vivian wanted the best for everyone. At least, after the wedding they thought so. Vivian seemed so... genuine. They weren't. It seems first impressions can sometimes be true.

  • Ace Friend

    If there was anyone Amara was close to trusting, it would be Ace. Ace is genuine in a way Amara could never be. Kind, trusting, compassionate, everything a good person is.

  • Dog Friend...? Yeah.

    Amara met Dog in jail. So far, Dog has been pretty nice... Albeit untrustworthy. Dog and Amara had a heartfelt conversation once.

  • Duck ???

    Amara is intimidated by Duck. They barely know what magic is, so seeing Duck use it with such control is... Yeah!

  • Trivia
    • ● Amara is technically undead!
    • ● They like to watch the sunset.
    • ● They once got invited to join a future drug empire.

profile html by Hukiolukio