Rémy Lumière



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Rémy Jules Lumière





In Relationship With

Sylvia Grove


Torn between love, family and success - Rémy Lumière is next in line to succeed the tycoon legacy his family has held for generations, a succession that would see him with all the wealth and power a person could ever dream of. Despite this, he finds himself drawn to the longing of his heart for someone he could never be with if he was to be the heir his family wants - A forest girl, by the name of Sylvia.

Every time he gets the chance to excape the eyes of his family and retreat to the tranquility of the forest, he finds himself in her presence. The divide between the two tears them apart - While his love has been raised in the forest with the bare minimum, Rémy was raised in the city with anything he wants at his beck and call. While he never used to regret his upbringing before, seeing the way Sylvia can be so happy despite having the little she does often leaves him wondering if a simpler life would have been better of for him. After all, he was constantly pushed and tutored and training growing up in order to make him into the best possible heir - Between all the expectations he had and still has, its a weight that often leaves him struggling.

While he loves her and wishes he could act on his devotion, deep down he knows his father would see his reputation destroyed if he ever tried to persue passion over perfection. His love and relationship remain a secret that only he and her knows - Not just to save his reputation, but to protect Sylvia as well. His father has a reputation for hating anything that isn't truly human - And Rémy fears what his father would do to someone who both interferes with business and isn't the 'true' human he demands.

Recently though, the struggle Rémy finds himself in has grown and has left him needing to decide where his loyalties lie. His father seeks to obtain land to expand his reach on the property market - Land which Sylvia calls home. Rémy finds himself faced with a choice - Stand idly while his father continues his pursuits but allow the love of his life to lose her home, or lose the life and riches he's known for his whole life while standing by the one he cares for.