Tsubaki (SCP AU)



Item #: SCP-123

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-123 is contained within a three-room Secure Humanoid Containment Cell, fully furnished with an adjoining bathroom. The largest room should be used exclusively for SCP-123's "tea room" and provided with sufficient artifical light and running water for subject's gardening activities. At least once a day, it should be permitted to leave its cell in order to eat in the canteen and exercise, although it must always be accompanied by no less than five personnel. Subject is generally calm and responds with reasonable cooperativeness when treated politely. However, it possesses unnatural strength and speed, and any erratic behavior should be met with appropriate force.

Description: SCP-123 appears to be anatomically similar to SCP-288, although neither subject appears to be particularly fond of the other. It resembles a quadruped mammallian creature that does not strongly resemble a specific non-anomalous animal, although studies of its internal anatomy have revealed strong resemblances to reptilians and certain shark species. It has a coat of thick fur and is capable of both quadrupedal and bipedal locomotion, standing approximately two and a half feet tall at the shoulder while on all fours. SCP-123's possesses a tail that seems to resemble a glass bottle full of floral tea, and a similar glass teapot that appears attached to its back. The subject is able to remove this teapot with no apparent pain or discomfort, but attempts to forcibly remove it result in [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-123's fur appears to be naturally scented with the smell of flowers. When exposed to this scent, approximately three-fourths of test subject D-Class personnel described the scent as soothing, while a few others reported smelling nothing at all. Two D-Class Personnel reported nausea, unease, and described the scent as "sickly sweet." Within 48 hours, both D-Class personnel died of apparently anomalous causes. When questioned, SCP-123 remained evasive but expressed distaste for the personnel in question, remarking that they were "repulsive." Both D-Class Personnel had been sentenced to death row for crimes related to [REDACTED].

When SCP-123 is allowed to remain idle, it begins to anamolously produce various types of flower, which appear to sprout from its fur. SCP-123 then either plants these flowers in available soil or pots, or uses the teapot on its back to brew the flowers into tea. The subject then attempts to sell this tea to any passerby and visitors, including researchers and D-Class Personnel, and appears to pride itself on providing tea that will meet the needs of its "customer." However, SCP-123 does not accept any form of conventional currency in exchange for its goods, and simply requests that customers "pay what they want to pay." In return for its tea, SCP-123 has been known to accept both unconventional physical objects and more abstract forms of payment. Additionally, some types of tea have been recorded to have anamolous properties. Testing of SCP-123's "products" remains ongoing.

Addendum - Test Log SCP-123a:
Researcher complained of frequent migraines and requested a brew that help with headaches. When SCP-123 requested a price, researcher offered a glass figurine of an elephant. SCP-123 accepted the trade and brewed a tea with chamomile flowers, which it produced anamolously. Researcher drank the tea and expressed immediate relief from migraine pain.

Addendum [Log SCP-123b]:
Researcher requested a tea that was "out of this world" and offered a homemade cake with fresh strawberries. SCP-123 accepted the trade and anamolously produced [DATA EXPUNGED] flowers, which it brewed into [DATA EXPUNGED]. Upon drinking the [DATA EXPUNGED], researcher seemed to hallucinate vividly for the next 30 minutes, during which she verbally expressed joy, awe, and disbelief. After this period of time, the effect seemed to diminish, upon which the researcher eagerly requested an additional serving of the tea. SCP-123 refused and the angry researcher attempted to physically assault it, and had to be restrained for her own safety. The cake was consumed by SCP-123, who seemed to enjoy it.

Addendum [Log SCP-123c]:
D-Class Personnel requested a tea to help "clear his mind" and offered a childhood memory of a carnival that he once visited. SCP-123 accepted the trade and brewed a tea using an unidentified species of flower. After drinking the tea, the subject reported feeling refreshed and eager to go back to his desk work. Later testing revealed that his IQ had spontaneously increased by roughly 20 points compared to his intake assessment. When shown a photograph of his childhood carnival visit, however, subject displayed significant unease and was unable to recall the events of the trip.

Addendum [Log SCP-123d]:
Intern requested a tea to increase his energy levels and offered "whatever you want." SCP-123 then [DATA EXPUNGED.]
Note: "Alright kids, because you couldn't play nice, interns are no longer allowed to oversee tests with SCP-123. No, not even with senior researchers or other staff present." — Dr. [REDACTED]
Note: "Now that we know what SCP-123 is capable of, I'm wondering if we should bump it up to Keter. The aftermath of its "teas" are getting increasingly unpredictable and difficult to contain." — Researcher [REDACTED]