


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


That's classified ;)





Skin Color


Eye Color







  • Got into being a spy on accident, then found out that it was a lot of fun and paid well if she worked for the right person.
  • Was working at a club on Coruscant as a dancer and happened to eavesdrop on some conversations of the patrons, one of which involved terrorist acts against some senators.  She gave this information to the police and managed to get some money out of it when it turned out the patrons were wanted bounty hunters.
  • Comes from a relatively middle class family on Coruscant; she still stays in touch with them but she doesn't see them a whole lot because she doesn't want her enemies to use them to get to her.
  • Likes her expensive things so working really difficult jobs is a must seeing that it pays well enough for her to keep on buying said luxuries
  • Knows how to handle herself with knives, vibroblades and such, not so much with blasters
  • Will work for one client then turn around and work against them if she’s paid more to gather intel on them by the enemy.  Doesn’t care for loyalties, as long as she gets what she’s owed.
    • "Nothing personal, Darling.  It's just business"
    • She may have gotten close to a few people early on in the game, then realized that was a mistake when she had to turn around and work against them so she's resolved it's best to not have any attachments.  Her only  long "relationships" are with people who hire her repeatedly, so she's come to see them as acquaintances but never friends
  • Side hustles include conning wealthy men out of whatever it is they happen to have of value in their pockets before knocking them out and scurrying off
  • Very self-serving individual
  • Not opposed to working with other spies, though that won't save them from getting sold out by her in the end.
  • She's a very fickle being, so she might be friends with someone one day and then get bored if they're not as exciting when she meets them again and acts as though she never even befriended them before.  She's always  looking for something new and interesting to keep her captivated, and sadly that includes people too.
  • Goes through boyfriends like tissues
  • Makes sure to have very loose ties with her family so they don't get dragged into things or used to get to her.  Through the years though, she has grown less chummy with them to the point where she doesn't make an effort to reach out to them at all.  She tells herself it's for their safety, but she realizes her bond with her family has been allowed to become rather atrophied.
  • Never gives a straight answer; always dances around the topic
    • Can lie through her teeth to the point where she’s concocted so many backstories for herself that people can’t pick out which is the actual one