


3 years, 3 months ago



Calm, Cool-Headed, Reliable and Practical. The voice of reason.

A bit of a private person when it comes to her own problems/emotions and not always quick to ask for help, but reasonable enough to realize when she needs it, even though it makes her feel a bit ridiculous, being the one usually solving other people's problems in a practical manner.

A student of History and Literature, and consequently a consumer and creator of Historical Fiction. She publishes a lifestyle magazine with her friend and roommate, Genevieve, where she is in charge of historical insights and, of course, classical and contemporary literature. She is interested in old-world crafts and activities, and can often be found watching YT tutorials on the subject, taking workshops and otherwise educating herself on the subject in a hands-on manner. She is particularly interested in the activities of gentile young ladies, such as painting tables and covering screens, embroidery, knitting and crocheting, etc.

Prone to wearing petticoats and fichus, determined to bring bonnets back into style. Collects various Antiques and has a rather impressive collection of antique jewelry; she is especially fond of pastes. Considers Tea Time the most important meal of the day, and is especially prone to arranging high tea for friends. Weak for hot vampires, Probably in a "Situation" with one.