


3 years, 3 months ago



Reliable, Practical, Intuitive, and Patient. Extremely Intelligent, but Super Caring and Supportive.

Bea is the very definition of a “mom friend.” She is the one you can always find taking care of someone, whether by cooking for them, patching them up, or lending them her spare room for as long as they need it. She’s the one who everyone goes to for advice, where they can be sure that, if they’re being judged at all, it’s with the kindest intentions possible.

Beatrice is the second born of a large, unconventional family, including her two dads and her surrogate mother (who all consider one another their partners), her older sister Phoebea, and the four younger siblings that came a few years after Bea (two adopted, two biological). This of course left her well-prepared and even predisposed to care for others, being the second oldest, and having to be particularly sensitive to the situations of her adopted younger siblings. As a result she makes this effort with everyone, and people tend to feel very comfortable with her.

Bea met Axel in their younger years, before he had entirely escaped the grasp of foster care systems and became a Professional Delinquent. He was only with her family for a short time, but she left a strong impression on him as someone he could always come to, even without words, and so Bea saw much of him even when he broke his way out and started on a less savory path. She always welcomed him, and so did her family, if with a little scolding for his often scuffed up appearance and his too-few visits. To this day Axel continues to keep in touch with Bea, and to repay her love and patience in the most extravagant ways possible (or at least, the most extravagant ways she’ll allow).

Beatrice has always been something of a genius. She was taking college level classes by middle school, and in college she studied Physics, Engineering and Mathematics (full ride through various grants and scholarships). She found her passion in baking, however, and although she treasures and definitely doesn’t neglect the education she was able to give herself, baking is what she has ultimately decided to pursue as her day-to-day. She runs a catering business from her home, but she thinks she wants to expand to a full bakery one day.

She has a fluffy white cat named Seraphina.