


3 years, 4 months ago


Valentine Adair

"Somewhere over the rainbow..."

Your Neighbors




It's hard to survive in a world marred by war and confusion. A lack of knowing what's real, what's propaganda, and what's dangerous seems to loom over the citizens of Nocturne like a dark storm cloud. The conflict between Humans and Nights, a kinder term for 'monsters', threatens to burn everything to the ground. Amidst it all, a vampiric religious group has risen from the destruction, preaching the endtimes, and using their golden child, a so-called prophet, as proof.

Unfortunately, Valentine wanted absolutely none of this. Born into a corrupt family with dark histories he has only just begun to understand, and grappling with the global war he's lived in for over 200 years, predicting the endtimes has not been at the top of his priorities. Well, at least, it wasn't until he began to be plagued by nightmarish visions of inexplicable sights, sounds, and emotions. All of it seemingly tied to Heaven, a dead planet that hangs in the sky over Earth.

Fate ensured, however, that Val would have minimal time to process any of this, as an unexpected meeting with a stranger resulted in relocation to escape his abusive brother- and, in a moment of good fortune, led to him finding true family. Now, fuelled by a desire to understand his connections to divinity, and an obsession with ending the war, Valentine won't give up on fixing everything, and anything he can about his situation. Even if that means dying- or something far, far worse than he ever imagined.


Valentine is a very sweet, soft-spoken individual. The first that people see of him is someone who is thoughtful, gentle, and sometimes a bit reserved. The more you get to know Val, the more he shows himself to be strikingly bold at times, a bit lacking in common sense, and incredibly determined. Difficult to anger, but difficult to get through to, he's not always been the best at communication. He does, however, always try to be better, no matter how hard it gets- and if it becomes impossible, then there's a damn good reason for it.


  • Kind-hearted
  • Intelligent
  • Brave
  • Determined


  • Gentle
  • Reserved
  • Curious
  • Wandering


  • Stubborn
  • Trusting
  • Traumatized
  • Delirious


Shy Outgoing

Humble Arrogant

Meek Confident

Reckless Cautious

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Lazy Hardworking

Selfish Altruistic



Around strangers, Val is more outgoing, and more openly curious. He asks questions, tries to initiate conversation, and tries to relate to people in the hopes they'll feel more comfortable. He's very caring, and always tries to look out for the underdog, hoping to make sure everyone's properly included.


Around friends, he's often a bit quieter- but still actively tries to engage in conversation. He's a little more loose with his opinions and thoughts, and a little more blunt about certain things. However, the level of which he cares about someone deepens greatly, and he's more invested in his friends lives and wellbeing, which he definitely shows.


Around his family and closest friends, Valentine is, surprisingly, more talkative. He loosens up, and is more open to saying what he's thinking, and exactly what he means. That includes saying some bizarre and sometimes concerning things, as he tends to think out loud when by himself, or with those who make him feel comfortable. He's still the Val everyone knows and loves, but with a little... extra.



Val has historically come off as a bit more reserved, and air-headed- despite being quite adept at observation. He's, as mentioned, very kind-hearted, and comes off as such. He's gentle, polite, and careful of other's feelings and words. Overall, he truly is the local friendly vampire.



Val tends to hold himself very upright, and takes up minimal space in a room, always keeping his legs closed tightly together when seated, and often finding the most out-of-the-way place to be in a room. Due to his sometimes quiet nature, he tends to nod, shake his head, and emote using his ears a lot.


When he lets go, Val is actually very physically emotive. During a passionate rant, or when excited about something, he speaks with his hands, and paces. He's also known to, in rare cases, quite literally bounce around a room, especially during excited rambles. If simply at peace, and not necessarily excited by something, his usually rather stiff posture loosens a lot, and he may even sit cross-legged- which is a sign he's more relaxed, and content.


When stressed or unhappy, Val tends to become even more stiff. If he cannot slip out of a room and effectively disappear, then he tucks his head downwards, and stares only at his knees, curling inward on himself. He stays very quiet, and his ears are either low, or pressed tight to his head, completely still. If given the chance to leave, he will slip out as quickly and quietly as possible, doing his best to remain unnoticed.



Due to being quite leggy, Val has quite a long stride that lengthens depending on his mood. Given that his body is built for speed, like all vampires, if he suddenly takes off walking very quickly, few can keep up with him unless they're a LOT taller than him. Otherwise, if he's excited or determined, get ready to jog alongside him to keep up.



Val is known to be extremely curious- to a fault. It's hard to keep him from wanting to look in every crevice, down every alley, and peek in the windows of every building. While it gets him into trouble sometimes, it also gets him answers no one would have thought to look for. It's not just physical exploring too- he's mastered the art of having endless questions to ask. Funny enough, he seems to forget his quiet demeanor in favor of letting his curiosity take over. If he can't find anyone to answer his questions, then he's off to find a library, where he'd spend a whole year researching, if you let him.


Due to having an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, and undiagnosed ADHD, fidgeting is a must. He's either bouncing his knee, folding paper, or knitting. He always carries yarn with him whenever possible so he has something to do if he needs it. If he has nothing, he will unintentionally destroy property with his fidgeting- pulling couch cushions apart, peeling paint off of something... it's not something he's proud of, that's for sure.


To go along nicely with his tendency to explore, he also has a tendency to simply vanish into thin air. He often is too caught up in his own world to inform others that he's going somewhere, or has seen something, and will quietly slip away, leaving his companions to wonder where on Earth he's gone. If you aren't holding onto his hand, or have him on a leash, you always run the risk of him slipping away into obscurity, driven by his endless curiosity.



  • Forests
  • Loved Ones
  • Horses
  • Art History


  • War
  • Spiders
  • Being Trapped
  • Blood


Divinity falls into a strange grey area for Valentine. There's a distant promise of it being meaningful, and useful. The further he delves into it, though, the more that promise warps- and the more distorted his reality becomes. He believes that whatever he is chasing is peace- the end of the destruction and plague. The faster he runs, the closer he gets, and the further he slips out of reality.

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  • Horseback Riding
  • Exploring
  • Playing the Celesta
  • Reading


  • Knitting
  • Playing OSU!
  • Reading
  • Writing Poetry


Horses are a major part of Val's life. He's owned a large equestrian center on the grounds of his castle for a very long time, and has owned horses his entire life. In between 1990 and 2010, he was on and off a very well-known and respected eventing rider. He's made quite a name for himself in the equestrian world, and it's one of the only things he's happy to be known for. He does sometimes still event, but nowadays focuses more on training horses, boarding operations, and teaching riding lessons, as well as taking his students to shows of their own.

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In the present, Val has a foot in two worlds. He has one in his home with his newfound family, an entirely separate dimension from his own, and one in his home world, where he fights to stop the war. He's always back and forth between places, still spending many of his days in his home world, whether it's at his castle in Nocturne, at the school he teaches art history in occasionally, or elsewhere entirely. At night, he returns home to be with his family, and spends his days off around the house, trying to relax. Unfortunately, those days have become quite rare, as the recent death of his abusive brother has left him with many old possessions and family documents to go through. He's been through a lot of them already, but the deeper he dives into it all, the closer he seems to get to uncovering a dark web of secrets...



Amidst a flurry of chaos, Valentine finds an ally in a harpy named Altair, and spends the night patching her up, and talking to her. They become friends, and Val opens up about his fears regarding the war- and his brother.



Val encounters a mute child on the street one day- a type of night he can't identify. Given his lack of access to the castle, and the fact that he's staying in an apartment, she goes to stay with his dear friend, Charlie, for the time being, but visits her often.



Penelope, the mayor of Nocturne, increasingly threatens York, the neighboring human city that rests on the other side of the Hudson river, putting everyone in the country of Manhattan on edge.



During one particular night engulfed in battle and death, a stranger from another world finds Val perched atop a roof, and a fascinating conversation ensues. He ultimately witnesses Val's brother abusing him, and offers to take him somewhere safer. Valentine,after ensuring he can hop back and forth between the two worlds, agrees.



Val becomes close to those in the house where he now lives. Two of the other occupants become his brothers, and he finds a great deal of comfort in them. After struggling with his feelings, Val winds up in a relationship with the third occupant- the stranger who stumbled upon him that night. He also finds a friend in the local librarian, who he begins to realize knows more about the people he shares a house with than he initially thought she did.



A month after their relationship begins, the interdimensional traveller- now Val's boyfriend- kills his brother, Ross, to protect Val. Heartbroken, but not angry, Val picks up the pieces by sifting through old relics at his castle, Stonedark. With Ross out of the picture, the Adairian priests have suddenly taken a great interest in Val.



Destruction befalls [REDACTED], leaving the city of Nocturne in utter panic. No one can comprehend what has happened, and thousands of innocent people are now [REDACTED]. It's an unprecidented disaster. Val and those around him now find themselves in a state of overdrive, worried about what could happen if they fail to find answers. It seems, too, that the situation changes by the day, and they are now running on borrowed time.


Val was born in the mid 1600s, and had a decent childhood. His brother and father were difficult to put up with at times- his brother seemed to hate him, and his father remained distant. His mother, however, loved him unconditionally. She gave him his first horse, taught him about the world, took him adventuring, and protected him, always. He knew something was wrong- he knew she was trying to ensure he got out of the family at all costs. She told him that he held something others coveted- something others did not understand. She told him to do his utmost to avoid Adairism, a religion that held an iron grip on the family.


As Val grew into a young adult, he watched as tensions rose between Humans and Nights- and ultimately broke out into war. Chaos befell the little Romanian village that rested at the bottom of the hill the Holy Darkastle, known as Stonedark, sat atop. His mother tried to protect Val, but ultimately died in battle, skewered into the ground by ten swords, in the lavender fields the castle was nestled in. Shortly after that, his first true love, a human, returned from battle, and died of heartache and trauma. His father fled among the chaos, leaving Val alone with his spiteful brother- Ross.

Over the next one hundred and twenty years, Ross amassed armies and converted the small Romanian village into a hub of Nights who despised humans- the kinds of Nights Val hated. Ross loved the thrill of battle, loved torturing humans, and preached that Nights would overtake the Earth, cloaking it in religious terminology, and essentially starting a cult. Val, who began to struggle with strange medical diseases, and eventually vanished for a week in the Alps, was either ignored, or ordered around.


By 1820, Europe's political climate no longer provided a good space for Ross to continue his endeavors when it came to the war. He informed Val that he had found a way to completely move the castle to New York City- and that he had bought out Central Park. Thus, the Adairian ancestral home was uprooted, moved to the US, and placed in Central Park. Val got no say in the matter- but was definitely sad to leave. Just a few short years after moving to the city, it began to split apart at its seems- the war was dismantling New York as the world knew it. Bombings began, and lasted for over a year- and for a chunk of that time, Val hid refugees in the castle walls, where many of them ultimately died from starvation, disease- or to something far worse. Ultimately, by the time the bombings stopped, the city had divided into two cities- Nocturne, and York.

Val ultimately moved out of the castle in the late 1800s, bouncing around from place to place until he secured an apartment near the castle, and stayed there up until 2020, when Ross' death meant he could finally return home. His past has left him scarred and traumatized- but more than anything, it's stoked a desperate obsession with ending the war once and for all.





These two are, at first glance, a classic bastard and baby dynamic, with Rev being endlessly suave, and Val being easily flustered. A bit of a deeper dive into them shows them each to be far more than your average baby and bastard, and thus, while the dynamic looks simple at first glance, there's a lot more going on than what meets the eye.


Rev was that fated interdimensional traveller, the one who brought Val home to his world. Val gradually fell head over heels for him- and luckily, it was a mutual feeling. Ever since then, they're often seen together when one of them has free time to spare- and are always ready to back one another up. They each hold a great deal of curiosity about each other, but unfortunately, both of them are rather terrible at talking about themselves. The more time they spend together, though, the more seems to surface.




When it comes to Val and Disrupt, the two of them are very alike in their lacking of common sense- deeming them both a pair of 'dumb babies' at times. Fortunately for the both of them, Arti is there to keep them on a proverbial leash of sorts, so that they don't get too out of hand on their misadventures.


Val met Undertaker when he moved into the house, and the two- well, three- became fast friends, due to having similar demeanors that helped them understand each other rather quickly. Nowadays, he's one of Val's family members- his brother(s). Val has always found it effortless to be around Undertaker, making his company always greatly desirable to Val. There is always a feeling, though, that Val can't shake- a feeling that there's something more to Undertaker's situation than meets the eye.




Unbound and Val definitely encourage one anothers more wild sides to come out, at times. The two have a great deal of fun getting up to all sorts of misadventures together, whether that's going somewhere new, or entertaining themselves at home- they always seem to find a way to keep themselves occupied.


When Val first moved in, Unbound was the only member of the house to be quite unsure of him at first. However, as time passed, and the two got to know one another more, their bond deepened greatly- to a point that Val would sometimes feed Unbound cheese at 3 am in the kitchen, which is not something he'd do with just anybody. The space Val and Unbound create when they're together is one that makes Val feel like he can let go of his worries, for just a little while- a space where he can be free. He does often wonder to himself, though, what Unbound is, and what he's capable of.




Chrys is someone Val looks up to a lot- in fact, he's thought that if he knew her as a kid, she would have been his hero. In fact, she is his hero- capable, smart, funny, and a true friend. Their dynamic is a soft and loving one, of two people who have been through a lot, and who take comfort in one another. Maybe that dynamic has no traditional name, but maybe it doesn't have to.


Val met Chrys not too long after moving into Rev's house, as his curiosity led him to the local library fairly quickly. Eventually, curiosity got the better of Chrys as well, as she wound up approaching him one day, asking about him. In turn, Val became curious about her. The more visits he paid to the library, the deeper their bond became- and the more Val realized that she could understand his situation better than anyone else in his life could. She became a confidant, someone to go to when he felt utterly lost, and her library- no... she became a safe place where he could feel comfortable, and loved. He does, however, find himself wondering exactly how much she knows about the people he lives with.




Initially, Mads and Val were two prime examples of dumb babies- but now, two years after their fated meeting, things have changed. They still try to find the time to be dumb babies, but that's becoming increasingly harder, it seems.


Mads and Val met during one of the infamous Fight Nights- monthly battles held between Nocturne and York. Val, realizing Mads meant no harm, got them to safety, and they survived the night together, learning about one another along the way. This was the start of a very deep and important bond to them both. Nowadays, their relationship has changed- Val has grown more and more worried about Maddox's increasingly concerning, self-sacrifical tendencies regarding their obsession with 'proving themself', damaging some trust he had in them to stay safe. However, it's only because he loves them and cares about them so deeply- losing them would devastate him.




Charlie is eternally the mom friend to anyone she meets- and nothing is more perfect for a dumb baby than a mom friend. Despite it sounding simple on the surface, it runs far deeper than just that for these two- they're long since family, by now.


Charlie and Val met 30 years ago, in Chicago, when Val was taking a vacation to destress. At first, Val attempted to court Charlie, who he quickly realized was a lesbian- and despite his attempts at romance failing, he did land himself one of the closest friends he'd ever have in life. Since then, these two have been incredibly close, and no matter what happens, they always will be. Val knows that Charlie's life has been rough as of late, due to a very strange and upsetting loss she endured, but he knows that she's tough enough to handle it. She's the mom friend, after all, she can handle anything... right?




Ivy has just started to warm up to Val, who is endlessly friendly to her, and endlessly fascinated by her. The best way to describe these two would be a one-sided friendship- well... at least it's a lot less one-sided than it used to be.


At first, Ivy wished to kill Val. She found him annoying, abrasive, and intrusive, and consistently threatened to make him into her dinner if he showed his face again. Still, this did not dissuade him- and she had to admit, his bravery was admirable, albeit incredibly stupid. After enough strategic pestering, she gave him what he wanted so desperately; she let him in. What followed was a complicated web of circumstance, and many lengthy conversations consisting of the two solving an unsolvable puzzle. They never could have expected what lay in wait for them when they did- and now, they are bound by what they know. When faced with incomprehensible truth, it's hard not to attempt to find comfort in the only other person that knows.


Everyday Life



Valentine has, for most of his life, lived in his family's infamous Holy Darkastle- informally known as Stonedark. For a chunk of time, he lived in an apartment nearby after the relocation to New York, and eventually, in another dimension altogether.

His current place of residence is this other dimension, known as the Underworld. He lives in a nice, standard house along with his family, although he still is getting used to how different things are in the Underworld. He often stays at Stonedark as well, and considers it home too- truthfully, he's happy wherever he is, as long as he has his friends and family with him.


Val very often has something going on. His days off are rare, but the few things that stay consistent are the basics. He brushes his teeth, showers most mornings, only ever skipping one day inbetween, and downs a glass of water. He never feeds in the morning- only at night, and only in complete seclusion. He doesn't need to eat everyday, thankfully- just once every two-three days, though he's gone longer before.


Val is very often an early riser- he has to be with the kind of life he lives. As said, he brushes his teeth, hair, showers, puts on his outfit for the day, and chugs a glass of water. With that, he's out the door- the only time his mornings can be relaxed are his rare days off. On those days, he'll put on a comfy robe, some slippers, and curl up on the couch with a good book. This is definitely his preferred way to spend the morning.


His afternoon, and late morning, is often spent teaching art history at the Twilight Rebellion's school, or spent at the Equestrian Center, tending to business there. It's often quite busy for him on these days, as something is always happening at either one of his occupations- however, to him, it's worth it, because he truly does enjoy the vast majority of the work he does. On his days off, his afternoons are often devoted to one of his hobbies, or maybe watching a good show- if he's particularly restless, he might find somewhere new to hike or explore. Val often feels the afternoons are one of the best parts of his days.


His evenings can be a mixed bag. On the worst days, he's preparing for one of the monthly Fight Nights at this time. On better days, he's wrapping up at the barn, or grading the last papers at school. On the best days, he's at home with his family and/or friends, spending time with them and feeling at peace. He's always hoping that's what awaits him at the end of the day.


Val often sleeps pretty early. Sometimes, he'll stay awake with his boyfriend for a while, spending time together and what have you. Sometimes, they stay awake a little too late... but that's infrequent enough that Val doesn't really mind. On nights where he's alone, or his boyfriend is doing his own thing, he'll often read before hitting the hay.

6:00AM Wake up, morning routine
07:00AM Go to school and do prep work, or go to the barn, and do barn chores
09:00AM First class/morning rides on his horses
10:00AM Class over/teaching a lesson
11:00AM Second class/paperwork break at the barn
12:00PM Lunch break, no matter where he is! He doesn't eat lunch, so he either goes home for a brief break, or feeds the horses lunch
01:00PM Third class/teaching another lesson
02:00PM Third class ends, fourth class begins/Lunging and training horses
03:00PM After school meetings/final lesson of the day
04:00PM Leave school, go to barn to ride horses/leave barn for a break at home
06:00PM Pop in to say hi to his friends living at Stonedark/return to the barn, complete barn chores for the night, lock up the stables
07:00PM Arrive home, do some extra grading and paperwork for the rebellion/Briefly say hi to everyone at Stonedark
09:00PM Relax, regardless of where he's been that day
11:00PM Ideal bedtime



Val's health seems to be in constant flux. It's hard for anyone to get a real understanding of his wellbeing at any given moment, due to some intensely complicating factors. Even Val struggles to understand the depths of it- but a vast majority of the time, his heart is beating, his blood remains mostly in his body, and he breathes, sleeps, and eats. That's something, at least.


Val tends to hold himself very upright, sometimes to a detriment, and forgets to loosen up at times, leading his muscles to stiffen, especially in his shoulders. Anyone ever willing to give him a massage has his eternal gratitude, that's for sure.


Val's relationship to eating is very complex and rather messed up. He hates what he is, and hates that he must drink blood to survive. He refuses to ever drink human blood, and feeds as minimally as possible, and only when he must do so to maintain his health- never for pleasure. Thus, he feeds alone, in a bathtub, once every two-three days, drinking roughly 5-6 gallons of animal blood, and then showering off, and disposing of any evidence that he had just been feeding.


Val definitely values getting as much sleep as he can- and is thankful for the rare times he gets to sleep in. He sometimes gets a bit restless, and is plagued by nightmares here and there, but otherwise is a decent sleeper. He does usually sleep best whenever he's with his boyfriend, as this has become his new normal. He does, however, also sleep quite well with close friends and other family members.


Physically speaking, Val's health is certainly odd. Strange things have been cited in medical documents from hundreds of years ago- very inexplicable and concerning things. Nowadays, Val largely seems to be fine, and doesn't recall many of the things cited- so he figures they've worn off, whatever they were. The one strange thing is that his hair is prone to bleeding... which is, indeed, where it gets its red color from. Each strand of hair has a certain amount of blood in it. He's still not sure why that is.


Unfortunately, Val's mental health is a trainwreck. He's undiagnosed, fully, as he has not seen a therapist, or mental health professional. He knows he has some form of severe PTSD, and others around him have speculated that he has ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Beyond that, all he knows is that he's pretty damn messed up.


Val is definitely known to engage in a glass of wine, or a hit or two of weed from time to time. Maybe more, depending on how rough of a night he's having. He does not, however, take any medication. He never has- and he's been told never to do so. He's worried it could result in something very bad for him.


A desire for a world not engulfed in war is what drives Val, ultimately. He does all that he can to prevent senseless killing of one another, and while he doesn't believe in forcing everybody to get along, he just wishes there wasn't an actual global war going on. While this is his current biggest motivator, he is also driven to break free of the responsibilites he's been shouldering his entire life, among other things.


  • World Peace
  • Unity
  • Revolution
  • Democracy


  • Freedom
  • Individuality
  • Harmony
  • Adventure


  • Blood
  • Body
  • Will
  • Resident


  • Losing loved ones
  • Being known
  • Himself
  • The Signs

Valentine holds many things close to his chest, out of fear of them hurting others, and out of fear of those things themselves. There are many gaps in his history he still doesn't understand or fully comprehend, but he seems to be getting more answers lately. None of them are good. He fears losing those he cares about more than anything, and all of his other fears stem from that one./p>


  • Renowned Eventing Rider
  • Excellent Teacher
  • Skilled War Tactician
  • Dutiful Judge

Val has excelled in all of his major hobbies, and has done well in the things he never really wanted to do as well. He's won hundreds of equestrian competitions over the years, mostly 3 day events, and is beloved at the school he teaches at by almost every student he has. Despite never thinking himself much of a battle tactician, he's proven to be very competent at it, and whatever the Adairian Church has asked of him, he's also proven to be good at- so far, at least.

Values and Beliefs

Valentine is a firm believer that nothing is ever black and white, there's always complexity to every situation. Sometimes, he can lose sight of that belief, especially in the face of dire circumstance, but he always remembers it when it's most important. He believes that whatever you give to the world, will be returned to you.



Val was raised to be a part of the Adairian Church, a religion with a history dating back thousands and thousands of years. It's unknown exactly how it was started, though there is a story that has been raised to be the truth. The religion mostly centers around an Angel named Adair, signs of the apocalypse, and The Cursed Judgement of Divine Sin being able to harness genesis and stop the end of the world. That's what the priests say, at least.

Valentine had the misfortune of being born into the role of 'Cursed Judgement of Divine Sin', meaning he has been tasked with harnessing genesis and stopping the end of the world. Those around him who have known about his strange and seemingly out of character religious fervour have wondered if this ties to his desperate need to stop the war. He's never outwardly acknowledged it, and becomes extremely uncomfortable when discussing religion with anyone outside of the Church. Needless to say, no one can shake the feeling that there's something very amiss with this whole situation.


Valentine has never killed anyone. He's never minded much when others he loves and cares about do it, because he trusts that it's for the right reasons, but he's not had to, and blatantly refuses to. Aside from that, he's not above breaking the law, again if it's for a good reason. Morality is all relative, at the end of the day, but he just tries his best to be good and kind. That's all one can really do, after all.


Honesty Feelings

Law Justice

Journey Results/ Destination

Comfort Security

Honour Loyalty

Realistic Idealistic

Go into details about your character's values here. Why do they have these values? Why do they value one thing over another? Nunc arcu justo, consequat a magna nec, feugiat sodales magna. Nulla mauris diam, vestibulum nec euismod a, viverra sed est. Phasellus diam turpis, eleifend eget neque at, cursus varius ante.


The Priests
Divine Sin

While Valentine doesn't trust the priests, he does trust the scriptures, what he's been raised on, and the things he's come to experience. The more visitations he receives, the more he blacks out, the stronger that pressure in his spine becomes, and the more often he sinks into his subconscious and becomes a passenger, the more convinced he becomes that this is all very real. The more real it becomes, the deeper he sinks into the narrative of the Church.



Val is very polite and gentle in his word usage, always choosing to take a friendly and kind approach to things. He occasionally stutters when flustered, and sometimes has trouble starting his sentences, but once he finds his words, it's smooth sailing from there.


Val always likes to ask people about themselves first and foremost, and engages with whatever they choose to share almost effortlessly. For those on the shyer side of things, he will bring up whatever he perceives could be of mutual interest, or share something he's observed recently. He typically tries to read the other person, and change his way of initiating conversation to match what he sees, to make them as comfortable as he can.


Val often has a quieter laugh, although occasionally he is known to laugh very loudly, particularly when drunk or very excited. He's also a master of insanely nervous laughter, to the point that it can make him sound a little crazy.


Val is not someone who overly swears in normal situations, but if he becomes flustered, swearing is his outlet. He will let out a rapid stream of curse words to release nervous energy. He's also known to using them when he gets upset, or becomes bewildered. In normal speech though, you'll almost never hear him curse.


In addition to struggling to start sentences due to his undiagnosed ADHD, he sometimes has a habit of trailing off sentences in the middle of them, either due to getting distracted or forgetting what he was saying. He also will unintentionally rapidly bounce from topic to topic at times.



Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Val has now been speaking English for over 150 years, and has developed a New York accent, to his chagrin. He's incredibly fluent in it, even more so than his native tongue, and has almost no barriers when it comes to writing, reading, or conversing in it.


Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Unfortunately, Val lost a good chunk of Romanian, his native tongue, when he moved to Nocturne, formerly known as New York. He tries to keep up with it when he can, but knows no one who speaks Romanian these days, as he isn't in touch with any family anymore, especially since most of them are dead (although, he's heard rumors that one of his cousins may still be alive...).


Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Given that no one really speaks Latin very much, he has not focused much on the conversational and writing aspect of it, but he knows how to read and comprehend it quite well. He can speak it okay, and he struggles to write it, but mainly he learned it to read ancient works of art.


Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

He shouldn't know this. He never learned it.It's a dead language, it doesn't exist. How on Earth does he know it?



Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Rough

Soft Loud

Slow Fast


Val has a very pleasant voice to listen to. While he primarily sports a New York accent, he will ocasionally slip back into his Romanian one under rare circumstances. He speaks softly, and almost never yells- however, when he's forced to yell, he is surprisingly loud. His voice never booms or growls, but is quite punchy and powerful when he needs it to be. It's definitely got a unique pinch to it, which he's a bit shy about, but can't deny that it gives him a solid uniqueness.


  • "I spend so much time holding a breath I won’t let go. Sometimes it’s all too much. Sometimes I just want- I just want to be angry. I want to let go of this breath so I can scream."
    —When confronted about an apparent outburst he had where he shattered all the windows in one of his castle's hallways.
  • "I used to come up here after we moved to Nocturne, before the bombings started and we had to live in the walls. It used to be quiet like this all the time- used to be able to hear myself think."
    —When asked about why he was up late, looking out at the city.
  • "And you know who can’t do that anymore? Every dead, innocent night or human that has been victim of the merciless monthly slaughter my city just so happens to partake in. Losing a few nights of sleep is nothing"
    —When told that he needs to take care of himself, during a moment where he is particularly emotional and upset.
  • "I- I know you don’t feel the same way, that’s okay! I’m sorry I really hope this doesn’t make things weird, I just- I’ve- really wanted to tell you for a while, and- and I hope we can continue our friendship, and that you’re okay with me living with you, and- and I’m so sorry, I’m just so sorry-."
    —Confessing feelings to his S/O in a complete panic, after everything went so, so wrong.

Skills and Abilities



Valentine's education has been all over the place his entire life. He started out learning most things through his family, and the Church, but as situations changed, so did the way he learned.

For the first 200 years of his life, much of what he learned was through experience, and life. However, as times changed, and he realized he wanted to get a job so he was out in the world more, he also came to understand he'd need a formal education. He attended a now defunct college that, in truth, was rather sketchy, but he pushed through and managed to secure a PHD. How? Honestly, not even he knows. The legality of it is debatable- but thankfully, the one place he wanted to teach accepted it regardless. Any institution run by the Twilight Rebellion is shaky on legality anyway, and Valentine is an asset.

Nowadays, his primary interaction with education rests in teaching others about art history, which has extensive expertise on given the culture he was raised in, who he is, and his age. He loves working with kids, and loves empowering others to take the world by storm. Art history, in his eyes, is a fantastic way to learn where we've been, so we can decide where to go next.

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Valentine teaches Art History at the Twilight Rebellion's school, and teaches middle school and high school alike. Mostly high school, but he never likes turning away a kid who wants to learn, so he's happy to work with middle schoolers too. He really likes kids in general, and kids really seem to like him, and thus he really loves his job a lot.


Val owns and runs a large equestrian center where he accepts training board to train young horses, occasionally teaches lessons, and even sometimes hosts events on his expansive, beautiful property. He primarily deals in eventing riding, but has dabbled in just about everything under the sun, making him highly sought after in the industry. If he was most famous for anything other than his family and title, it would be this.


In addition to teaching art history, Valentine is also employed by the Twilight Rebellion to come up with battle plans, many of which he and his friends end up carrying out themselves. It's a difficult business, and Val has found himself in painful situations because of this multiple times, but someone's got to do it. He's the only person for the job, it seems- and they think he's quite good at it, so at least that's something.

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Being a vampire, Val has unbelievable agility, and immense strength in his legs. While his upper body strength can be a bit lacking, his kicks can be incredibly deadly if he wishes them to be. Though he cannot keep it up for much longer than a minute or two, Val can run up to 60mph, and sometimes more.


Val is incredibly smart, and holds a wealth of knowledge from throughout his life. He's a great problem solver, and a fantastic strategic thinker. He can be full of wonderful advice, and tell you all about things that most people cannot. He is the master of sharing truly fascinating fun facts.


Val is well known for being very friendly and sweet, and this gets him far in life. Sometimes, people just need a kind smile, or a soft gesture, and Val's happy to provide that for others, even strangers. He wants to see the world be better, and that's got to start somewhere.

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Despite being so smart, Val is not often wise. As a result, he often finds himself in a variety of mishaps, ranging in severity. It doesn't help that his luck is very specific, and he either seems to get very lucky, or very lucky, both often at inopportune moments. Pair this with his lack of wisdom, and you've got a walking chaos magnet.


Despite the strength Val carries in his legs, he's actually rather fragile, which again is thanks to being a vampire. His body disagrees with most things that aren't blood, and if you take out his legs, it's easy to completely disable him in a fight. He knows this, and as a result, he doesn't give anyone the chance to go after his legs so long as he can help it.


Unfortunately, Val is very trusting, and not very smooth-tongued. He is prone to trickery and deceipt, and believes people too easily, even strangers. He's so desperate to see the good in everything, sometimes he overlooks the bad, which screws him and others over.

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As mentioned before, Val is very passionate about horses, and has been riding since he was very small. He's done activities relating to equestrianism for so long it's become a major part of him, and it's one of the things that makes him happiest. He feels he would be nothing without Fane, the horse gifted to him when he was 15- who is still alive, and almost as old as Val, at that...



Being engulfed in a global war for so long meant Val had to learn to fight. He also inherited a rather terrifying weapon of immense, unknown power, known only as the Cluirvermeist, so much of his fighting revolves around the use of that weapon. That being said, he's decent with a sword as well.



A lot of what is considered historical works of art now are things Valentine grew up around, and knew the artists of. There's few more qualified than him to be an art historian, and he takes a great deal of interest in it. He can identify loads of art just by looking at the style and signature, which is very impressive on it's own! He's also quite good at delving into the meanings of works of art, and peeling away the layers of each piece to analyze them properly.



Though this is not something Val wanted to do, due to his intelligence, he's proven to be very good at being a tactician. His problem solving skills and strategic thinking have proven incredibly valuable to the rebellion, and it's much of his work that has let the rebellion progress as far as it has. That being said, the emotional and mental toll it takes on Val is quite significant, and though stopping is not an option, he sometimes wonders how much more he can give before he breaks down entirely.




Several members of the Adair family have a very special alternate form known as a Divine Beast. All of them can turn into bats, but some have this as well- Val's is that of a large winged quadraped resembling a cross between a fox, a bat, and a cat. Given that he's horse sized, and can fly, he often gives his friends a ride places if they need it, and can use his claws quite well in a fight, if he ever needs to.



Like all vampires, Valentine is capable of shapeshifting. He can't shapeshift into other animals aside from a bat and his divine beast form, but he can shapeshift into other people, though he can never hold it for very long. He can also voice mimic, though once again, only for short periods of time. He can shapeshift parts of his body for longer, and easier, however.



As he was born into the role of Cursed Judgement of Divine Sin, Val has been gifted with the ability to spot the fabled Signs of the Apocalypse. This ability is very anxiety inducing for him, and he's always scared he may miss something, as these things can appear nearly anytime, technically. He really hates that he is the only one who can do this, as sharing the burden could make this even slightly easier on him...


Something below.


Reference & Design Notes

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Body Build


Body Shape


Eye Shape


Racial Features


Hair Length






Briefly describe the tattoo/ scar/ marking. What is the design supposed to be? Where is it located? Quisque non ornare ipsum. Sed ultrices tellus eu augue ultricies, non suscipit nulla accumsan.


Aenean at ante tellus. Aliquam in lacus efficitur, vulputate eros vel, tincidunt leo. Fusce tristique lectus sed ornare vestibulum.


Integer augue nisl, hendrerit ut felis porta, tincidunt lobortis eros. Vestibulum viverra ornare magna eget pellentesque. Cras ultricies non tellus eu pulvinar.


  • Praesent non porttitor ex. Morbi vulputate risus quis sapien condimentum, vel aliquam eros scelerisque.
  • In rutrum efficitur vulputate.
  • In commodo dapibus sem ac ultrices. Sed ultricies, lorem at pulvinar commodo, massa nibh mollis turpis, sit amet hendrerit erat sem at ligula.
  • Sed pulvinar, velit nec ullamcorper commodo, nibh mi vestibulum est, accumsan hendrerit dolor elit vel erat.
  • In vel blandit quam, et porta nulla.




Brief description of item. Mauris eget faucibus nunc. Mauris et enim sit amet sapien condimentum consectetur.



Brief description of item. Mauris eget faucibus nunc. Mauris et enim sit amet sapien condimentum consectetur.



Brief description of item. Mauris eget faucibus nunc. Mauris et enim sit amet sapien condimentum consectetur.

Value Tracker



Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000



  • Praesent non porttitor ex. Morbi vulputate risus quis sapien condimentum, vel aliquam eros scelerisque.
  • In rutrum efficitur vulputate.
  • In commodo dapibus sem ac ultrices. Sed ultricies, lorem at pulvinar commodo, massa nibh mollis turpis, sit amet hendrerit erat sem at ligula.
  • Sed pulvinar, velit nec ullamcorper commodo, nibh mi vestibulum est, accumsan hendrerit dolor elit vel erat.
  • In vel blandit quam, et porta nulla.


  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.
  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.
  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.
  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.


Explain the origin(s) of your character's name here. Maecenas vitae ultricies est, mattis faucibus lorem. Morbi quis feugiat nisi. Curabitur feugiat venenatis tortor eget ultricies. Donec elit elit, scelerisque at vulputate vulputate, cursus bibendum mauris. Integer id augue at lectus cursus pharetra nec a ex. Phasellus ac arcu in sem sollicitudin mattis.


The following are little trivia notes that may or may not necessarily be canon (i.e. "officially true") to the character.


  • List general headcanons here.
  • Nunc pellentesque nisl non quam iaculis finibus.
  • Maecenas sed ex posuere, euismod diam at, sodales lacus. Integer ac elementum libero.
  • Sed id pulvinar elit, nec consequat arcu. Proin tempus magna id tempus rutrum.


  • List headcanons here according to the header you chose.
  • For example, if your headcanon header is "falling in love", list headcanons of what your character is like when they develop feelings for someone.
  • Do they fall in love at first sight, or do they have to take time to know them?
  • List other headcanons here.


  • Curabitur eros neque, pellentesque sed pretium id, eleifend quis turpis.
  • Ut fermentum justo sit amet dui placerat varius. Morbi id accumsan nisl, vel ultricies ipsum.
  • Morbi a finibus odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
  • Vestibulum vitae mollis arcu, eu accumsan turpis.




Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's design (if applicable). They can be from existing characters/ designs, colours, and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. In porta, tellus a mollis consequat, metus justo rutrum mauris, vel vehicula tortor augue vel magna. Donec commodo enim a volutpat viverra. Nunc nec erat ligula. Nullam in tellus nibh. Donec elementum nibh sed sagittis auctor. Sed vitae massa mi. Sed mollis lectus nisl, eget mattis erat pellentesque.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration


Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's story. They can be from existing media and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. Curabitur at tellus aliquam, accumsan velit vitae, accumsan dolor. Duis sed sodales nisl. Aliquam ac ante tincidunt quam ullamcorper eleifend. Vivamus semper urna vel magna hendrerit, vel tincidunt lacus faucibus. Nullam at metus at mi convallis suscipit. Cras pellentesque, tortor ut tincidunt lobortis, turpis quam sagittis urna, quis tincidunt lorem sapien eget urna. Vestibulum lorem leo, molestie id nisi eu, molestie finibus odio. Curabitur orci urna, dapibus id mattis eu, maximus nec dui.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration



Answer goes here. This section can either be general questions that you answer as the creator/ owner of the character, or these can be questions that your character answers as themselves, similar to if they were being interviewed. Donec porttitor enim pulvinar nulla placerat elementum. Praesent sed tellus quis nibh porttitor porttitor eu sed nisl. Integer iaculis dolor consectetur turpis egestas fermentum. Proin ut metus quam. Nullam ornare blandit ante, id dapibus justo lacinia vel. Duis a risus tellus. Morbi a lacus lacinia, dictum orci quis, suscipit ipsum.


Nam et suscipit dui. Nulla vitae maximus odio. Maecenas quis feugiat nisi. Quisque justo lectus, mollis at volutpat nec, viverra ac tellus. Aenean hendrerit nibh felis, sed auctor urna accumsan ac. Nullam ante elit, facilisis et tempor sit amet, commodo vitae est. Integer nisl metus, porta nec libero consequat, porttitor dictum nibh. Vestibulum et velit leo. Vestibulum enim erat, viverra a malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin quis velit.


Nam porta tellus sit amet nisi interdum, nec suscipit erat scelerisque. Phasellus mi sem, luctus at dui ut, fringilla ullamcorper purus. Proin vel euismod ex. Vestibulum dolor nibh, consectetur suscipit sodales a, lacinia ac ligula. In placerat mauris vitae est congue ornare. Phasellus molestie nisi a justo scelerisque suscipit. Phasellus sed ligula lorem.


Phasellus ac commodo lorem. Vivamus non ligula et ligula cursus posuere ac eget ante. Phasellus risus lectus, tempus sit amet lectus venenatis, maximus aliquet quam. Vivamus convallis pharetra justo, eget blandit elit laoreet in. Donec a neque ut magna facilisis sodales. Nam eget tellus ac nunc dignissim viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut et augue erat. Aliquam ac eros ut dui euismod consequat. In hendrerit eros vitae pulvinar feugiat. Mauris nec fermentum mauris. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vitae diam efficitur sodales.


Vivamus ac auctor lacus, eget tincidunt augue. Ut suscipit, eros id ullamcorper tincidunt, felis dolor mattis urna, commodo vehicula dui odio non ligula. Mauris sodales, justo id euismod luctus, lectus turpis tempus nunc, non fermentum nisl nisi quis felis. Etiam facilisis neque vel lorem laoreet, at auctor arcu gravida.


Cras fermentum commodo eros euismod iaculis. Suspendisse consectetur justo ac velit consequat ullamcorper eu eu dolor. Nunc leo mauris, imperdiet eget egestas in, consequat ac leo. Nunc iaculis accumsan ante et consequat. Nullam non blandit magna, a convallis dolor. Etiam in massa eu libero malesuada pretium in eget nisl. Ut pellentesque sem non egestas efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin risus ipsum, et ornare tellus efficitur dignissim. Maecenas ornare mi turpis, eu imperdiet sapien aliquam nec.


Vestibulum non diam vel nisi tincidunt placerat. Morbi vestibulum tortor orci, eu faucibus justo vehicula pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. In iaculis enim orci, ac viverra dolor tempus eget. Nullam feugiat elit eu mauris fringilla, eu sollicitudin lorem aliquet. Donec arcu sapien, convallis cursus placerat at, pharetra sed elit.


Sed nisi diam, malesuada ac augue non, congue sollicitudin libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ipsum elit, venenatis in purus at, tempus fringilla est. Nunc nisi felis, malesuada ac eleifend ut, volutpat et erat. In quis vehicula metus. Suspendisse fringilla ante lobortis massa bibendum blandit.


Suspendisse lobortis purus mi, nec dapibus lacus maximus eu. Fusce pharetra venenatis accumsan. Curabitur vitae dui dui. Nam tempus lacus id odio euismod feugiat. Nullam venenatis eget ex nec viverra. Etiam velit sapien, tristique in neque ut, consequat mollis nisl. Etiam facilisis consequat erat sed iaculis. Aenean ac neque at lacus molestie cursus. Sed sem magna, ullamcorper sit amet lectus non, accumsan dignissim eros. Ut vel nunc id neque malesuada pellentesque. Duis accumsan pellentesque volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Integer porta risus in nisl hendrerit, ac dignissim neque interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at tellus vitae leo sollicitudin pellentesque.


Full Name

Valentine Scott Adair

Nickname(s)/ Aliases

The Judge

Age (Biological)


Age (Appearance/Mental)



July 6th, 1641



Blood Type


Dominant Hand





Transylvania, Romania




The Underworld


School Teacher/Equestrian

Social Status

Extremely Rich


Twilight Rebellion
Adairian Church (complicated)



Romantic Orientation


Sexual Orientation


Your own text


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Day of the Week


Time of Day






Genre of Books


Genre of Music


Genre of Shows


Genre of Movies


Genre of Games


Your own text


Your own text


Your own text


Your own text


Your own text


Your own text




Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


Song Title


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Banner Image

Moodboard Image(s)

Character Image(s)


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