monster's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

honeypies Global Rules

Please ask before drawing any of my characters. 

Characters can be regifted, traded. or resold. Characters cannot be resold at a higher price than they were bought at unless additional art has been added.

You cannot sell freebies. You cannot sell traded characters. You can regift freebies. You can regift and retrade the traded characters. This applies unless additional art has been commissioned to add onto the value, then it can be resold.

Characters can be edited once bought. Though I prefer them not to be, it's your choice. You are welcome to draw them anyway you would like. All I ask is no NSFW for the time being, as I am not eighteen. I also ask you do not get rid of my original design/delete my artwork from your character's gallery. Thank you!