Papalain Pasata



3 years, 3 months ago


Papalain Pasata (Plain Pasta)

Researcher. Healer. Leader. Friend.
 Name:Papalain Pasata
 Nickname:Plain Pasta / Pasta
 Age: 32
 Gender: Female
 Pronouns: She/They




Common Sense 


Aetherical Study

Fancy Cuisine

Pursuit of Knowledge


Physical Effort

Failing Others

  • Carbuncle Ears are from forbidden pact.
  • Published novice studies for gil as a young adventurer.
  • Met wife after being saved from getting absolutely destroyed by a monster.
  • Parents are Tataroko Nanaroko and Kakari Kari.
  • Loves botany and alchemy when not studying academia.
  • Extremely proficient in aether manipulation.
  • Has a soft crush on Nanamo and Tataru and Krile.
  • Runs her own FC.

Pasta was born to Tataroko Nanaroko and Kakari Kari in the city of Ul'dah. Her parents' primary source of income was growing plants for the alchemist's guild. They were tasked with growing rare plants over the year, developing new strains, and discovering new uses for plants in general. Pasta's first chore as a child was to enscribe her parents' discussions as they experimented and concluded data. She grew proficient in language and writing at this point in time, and her parents paid to give her a good education. In her teen years, Pasta first worked under various researchers to turn their thoughts to text, which in turn earned her a way into higher education due to her usefulness.

It wasn't until she was 26 that she decided to go adventuring. Desiring to take her learning further, she decided to try her hand at the arcanist's guild. This in turn led her to study aetherology as a main subject of interest, venturing away from her botanist household. 

She did not intend to be one of the world's saviors, but with her  heart, she finds herself unable to resist helping those in need.

She  runs the FC "The Family Recipe" as the guild leader, as well as  financial manager. When she's not healing, she will usually be studying,  reading, writing letters to her parents, or gardening with her wife  Merre Nerra.


Pasta's gem in her forehead is an aquamarine, signifying her familial worship of Thaliak in persuit of knowledge, as well as her birth month. This aquamarine has led to quite a few interesting advancements as her journey progressed. The gem was actually a shard from Lahabrea's constellation stone, which led to her being hunted by the Ascians in the beginning of the game, and eventually led to Lahabrea's demise as he attempted to pull his shard back from her.

During the Great Gubal Library, Pasta came across a book detailing research on Carbuncle creation and summoning, and decided to make it a goal to create her own carbuncle. Unfortunately, during the summoning, the stone in her forehead created a great interference, summoning the carbuncle inside her skull, and making it impossible to unsummon. With the stone providing the carbuncle a boost in its intelligence stats, as well as knowledge of the past of the ascians due to it originally belonging to Lahabrea, things got a bit funky. The carbuncle sometimes manifests by its ears coming out of the top of her head. Her left eye has also begun to develop a blue glow to it. As such, many FC members joke that she is half carbuncle. On the positive side, this does allow her to draw aether at a much quicker rate, allowing her to use her full strength to survive even some of the nastiest battles, as well as keep her friends alive.