Chance Di Fazio



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Chance Khaan-DiFazio

Goes By/Nicknames

Chance, Chancey, Faz, Big Kitty, Softie (rarely)






December 25th




363 lbs


Bisexual (female preference)


Peanut butter, going out to diners, singing, dad jokes, hugs


Alligators, wolves, swimming, people touching his hair, being alone


My favorite OC! If you're here because you plan to draw him, please scroll down to the bottom for some notes!

A very well known 1950's singer in his world, Chance often charms and enchants those around him with his notoriously deep voice and the unmistakable twang to his accent. He lives to perform, but after getting into a nasty contract when he was too young to understand the full extent of what it entailed, he's been overworked lots and lots, so can often be pretty stressed out or tired; but he's very sweet and friendly at heart! When he's not performing, one way or another, he's probably either napping, or eating one of his favorite snacks (peanut butter is very dear to him)!

Personality Things

  • For the most part, he's quite the sweetheart. His mama raised him to be a gentleman and kind to anyone he possibly can, and he typically exhibits this very well. Sometimes, though, he can’t help playing into his charm…
  • Since is a very big and very friendly guy, who isn’t super aware of his own strength at times, sometimes there have been situations in the past where a friend or new acquaintance nearly got injured due to Chance’s…enthusiasm. He always means well, though!
  • Despite being very famous and used to performing, he is EXTREMELY camera shy. As often as he can, Chance will avoid video interviews or television appearances. He’s in the limelight a lot. When being interviewed, it’s clear how bashful he is with the amount of awkward laughter and blushing he exhibits. For some reason, being in front of large live audiences and singing doesn’t have the same effect.
    • There aren’t a lot of visual recorded interviews with Chance because of how high in-demand he is.
    • He NEVER likes to tell people about his scars, or how he got them. It’s one of the most popular questions asked by fans and interviewers, and he hates it. Upon being inquired, he’ll usually deflect this information with a clearly joking answer, or just pretend he didn’t hear it at all.
      • As far as how it actually happened, the chest and face scars are actually from different incidents. His chest scars came first, and were a result of him wrestling a crocodile who had gotten into the house and frightened his mama. This happened when he was around 15 and still a pretty scrawny guy, but the gashes were pretty severe, so they're pretty much there to stay. 
  • Chance loves to laugh, and is very easy to entertain. He loves being told jokes, whether they're well crafted, made up on the spot, the type of jokes you find on popsicles, pretty much anything. He’s happy to joke around with friends, radio interviewers and fans alike. Even though he’s more than a bit awkward if there isn’t a script or at least some guidelines for him to follow! He has a very distinctive laugh that many find endearing.
  • He is pretty emotionally sensitive. Because of his very busy schedule and having been thrust into stardom when he was so young, he doesn’t get a lot of time to spend with friends or learn how to form meaningful relationships. He really WANTS to though, but is prone to separation anxiety and some jealousy depending on the situation.
    • He often worries that he might scare people with his unusual…features. He’s afraid of intimacy and has low self confidence when it comes to romantic relationships, but he tries his best to mask it and be the ‘big, strong, lovable guy’ that the general public sees him as.

Other Random Stuff

  • He is very meticulous about his hair. NOBODY is allowed to touch it aside from himself, his mom, or his favorite hair stylist. He spends up to 2 hours per day on maintaining the signature pomp, which often appears shiny due to the product he prefers to use.
  • Chance has a massive fascination and constant craving for peanut butter. One of his favorite things to do is to grab a jar, rip open the bottom of it, and lick up the contents as it slowly slides out. There isn’t a particular reason for this other than that he just finds it fun.


  • Pretty important to Chance’s lore is the fact that he is a were-tiger (kind of. It’s the closest descriptor of what he is). This alternate form of his is, for the most part, uncontrollable, and tends to slip out in overly stressful/angering situations. Or sometimes, to minor extents, just at random. The first and most common change to occur is always the claws, which are retractable and almost always at his disposal. He can usually access his claws at any time, but keeps them hidden from most. Higher stress levels may warrant a tigery tail and ears, and at that point the rest is usually quick to follow, resulting in a slightly large, very bulky white tiger of a man. It's very difficult to reason with Chance in this state as his mind reverts to a more feral sort. Fortunately this doesn’t really happen. Very much.
    • So, unsurprisingly, Chance will often exhibit traits that are a bit unorthodox for a 'human'. Even when content/relaxed in his ‘normal’ form, he has the capability to purr, roar, and make various other abnormal vocalizations. Also quite the fan of belly rubs, raw fish, chewing up various non-food objects, sleeping in sunny spots (wherever he likes), and using things as a scratching post. He tries to keep these traits as secret as possible, as they embarrass him greatly and make him feel ashamed. Not to mention that in the universe he lives in, species that aren’t “pure” humans tend to be looked down upon, so celebrating these things isn’t the greatest of ideas.
    • One constant in all forms, he has a very big set of fangs, as well as a super strong jaw. Sometimes this scares people, but he really doesn't use em for any harm other than chomping his peanut butter jars. 
      • Another would be his eyes, which are naturally a very vivid orange, and work somewhat like a feline's- pupils that can contract into narrow slits or wide circles depending on light level, or sometimes mood. 


  • Please be aware that Chance is not a skinny man! He's very bulky/muscular and a bit heavy-set. It's important to me that he isn't depicted as super lean or thin.
  • Obviously his hair is going to look different depending on the style you use (mine is rather cartoony), but try to remain as faithful to the design as you can. He loves his pomp!
  • Please do not whitewash Chance. His heritage is mostly Indian, but has some Italian from his bio-father's side. 
  • Alternate outfits ARE allowed, should you feel like making him one, but please make sure it follows the type of thing he might wear/fits the retro vibes!