Beniamin 'Tchibo' Torres



3 years, 3 months ago


Beniamin Torres

  • ALIAS Tchibo
  • AGE 25
  • BIRTHDATE 09.09.1996
  • ZODIAC libra
  • GENDER male
  • PRONOUNS he/him
  • SPECIES sphynx cat
  • OCCUPATION rock star
  • RELIGION christian
  • MBTI isfp
  • ALIGNMENT neutral evil
  • SOCIAL STANDING upper class
  • ORIENTATION bisexual
  • STATUS single


Tchibo is one of my favorite kids. He is a rock star with extensive recognition for his unusual type of music in this days. He modeled his songs on old music, doesn't follow fashion and writes rock songs. He has his band called Nothing, which he founded himself in his teenage years. He is an acute anorexic and bulimic that developed through his school years.

His alias came from a period when his mother was pregnant. Since this time, she has become addicted to Tchibo coffee and Beniamin's father said that instead of a child, a coffee packet will come out.







pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






creative . depressed . anorectic . bulimic . assertive . honest . bitch

Tchibo is a mean person who cares only about himself. But is it really true? In fact, has has created a wall around himself that won't let anyone inside. Since his friend died, he has been afraid to have someone close to him. He gets angry quickly, is very impulsive and is often disgusted. Despite being a star, he hates crowds and people. However, he loves to perform on stage and play from his heart.

When he is home alone, he shows real emotions. Sad, always has a lot of thoughts in his head. Tchibo is prone to self-harm and smoke to help control stress. However, she hates stimulants because of his teenage times.


  • MOTHER Apolonia
  • FATHER Krzysztof
  • SIBLINGS Marcepane
  • OFFSPRING none
  • Partner none
  • Pet none

Tchibo lives in a loving family. His parents are Christians but to a normal degree. They are really good people.

Nevertheless, Tchibo had been with them for many years in a horrible relation, or so he claimed. During this time, they went to every nearby concert, collected all the things related with him and read every day how he was doing. He finally made up with them, understanding how much he loves them.


Tchibo was a premature baby. He was born weak and tiny, so there were chances he wouldn't survive. However, he survived, and his parents welcomed him as warmly as his older brother - Marcepane. He lived at home with his older brother, mother, father, grandfather, and grandmother. The whole family showed him love and care. His passion for music began when Beniamin saw The Beatles music video and their song Don't Let Me Down on a black and white TV for the first time. He was seven at this time. He watched it so many times that he learned all the guitar moves on ... a broomstick. Seeing his charming behaviors his parents bought him his first guitar and signed him up for classes. Additionally, he learned to play the piano and singing. In time, he began to write songs himself.

He was a happy child. Right, "was." That changed when he went late to elementary school. His parents didn't want to let him go sooner, as he was often sick and went to the hospital. At school, the children persecuted him and beat him because he was a sphynx cat- bald and wrinkled. Sometimes fake feathers or cotton wool were glued to his body with hot glue, which causes scars to this day. And so it lasted until the sixth grade, where he met his friend Sophie, who defended him from other children. She was a large, strong, white lion that unfortunately fell into depression. Her parents beat and abused her. Even though they were best friends, she didn't tell him, she didn't want to worry him. Tchibo's family really liked Sophie and vice versa. She often went to his house. They even wrote a song together once. Later, however, Beniamin later discovered her secret ...

One day when they were both in eighth grade, Sophia hadn't been to school for a week. Tchibo didn't know what to do, so after school, he went to her house to see if she was okay. Strangely the door was open and when he started looking for her he found her in the bathroom in a bath full of blood - she was already dead. She had cut her arms, she was also bruised - probably by her parents. From then on, he changed drastically. He lost his only friend. He lost the person that he really loved. He turned his back on his family, began to rebel, and in his late teens, he began going to parties, drinking, smoking, taking drugs and sleeping with strange others. He developed acute anorexia and bulimia from the time of his bulling, which makes him look like a skeleton. He thought that would make his natural wrinkles disappear. Shortly after covering his baldness, he began to tattoo himself. He also changed his name to his alias - Tchibo, so that no one would know or use his real name.

He started his band when he was seventeen. There were Vilkas, Ivy, Ramsey and Lincoln, later his older brother. At first, they played in bars, but later their songs became more and more popular, and Tchibo became more and more depressed because of his fame. It's killing him. One cause of that he has his first suicide attempt - swallowing pills.


Tchibo hasn't changed much. He reconciled with his parents and also with his brother. He started visiting them, finally had some support. Beniamin has been trying to eat from the moment he fainted on stage during the performance and ended up in the hospital. However, it is not easy for him, he has a gag reflex immediately after a meal. He only eats liquids and light food, his stomach is too tight. Tchibo bought himself a African Gray Parrot, which he named "String" for its silver tint and love of music.

In the near future (when he will be 30) he will commit suicide by jumping into the swimming pool in his house. That's how he will end.



  • old music
  • being alone
  • colorful things
  • singing


  • crowds
  • people
  • noise
  • listen to his own songs


  • singing
  • writing and composing songs
  • playing on electric guitar or piano
  • listening to music on his gramophone


  • humming in the shower
  • smoking a lot
  • skiping meals
  • vomit after meals


  • making and singing songs
  • being charismatic
  • playing on the piano or guitar
  • memory


  • strenghts
  • being nice to others
  • easy to provoke
  • tendency to swoon


  • Ut purus ligula, sodales et purus varius, tincidunt molestie elit. Curabitur imperdiet, purus in sagittis convallis, ex est facilisis mauris, ut fermentum erat nibh sit amet orci.
  • Quisque sollicitudin, urna id ultrices lobortis, lorem tortor consectetur lectus, a congue nisl eros non ipsum. Pellentesque sed sollicitudin nisl.
  • Maecenas sodales faucibus blandit. Praesent eu lorem ac lacus varius gravida.
  • Maecenas dignissim enim finibus metus volutpat, in ullamcorper tellus tincidunt. Maecenas pulvinar mi in ligula pulvinar, non accumsan est dapibus.
  • Maecenas non ante egestas, volutpat eros eu, fermentum turpis. Cras bibendum dui tellus, id convallis magna vestibulum vel. Phasellus libero ante, maximus mattis risus sed, maximus rhoncus sapien.


  • FOOD: none
  • DRINK: vanilla milkshake
  • FLAVOR: vanilla
  • FLOWER: plants
  • COLOUR: yellow
  • ANIMAL: doberman
  • SEASON: spring
  • DAYTIME: night
  • GENRE: old rock
  • AESTHETIC: none


  •  WAY OF SPEAKING Describe how your character talks. Do they stutter? Are they formal and use polite language? Are they casual? Do they slur their words?
  •  COMMON CONVERSATION STARTER What does your character usually say to initiate a conversation?
  •  SWEARS? Does your character swear? If yes, how often?
  •  CONVERSATION QUIRKS What are some quirks/habits your character has when speaking? Do they trail off often? Avoid eye contact? Talk/Gesture with their hands?


  •  POSTURE What's your character's posture like? Do they slouch? Are they upright?
  •  SMOKES/DRUGS? Does your character smoke or do drugs? Have or will they ever? How often do they do it?
  •  PHYSICAL DIAGNOSTICS List your character's physical or medical conditions here.
  •  MENTAL DIAGNOSTICS List your character's mental conditions here.


  • HEIGHT 155 cm
  • WEIGHT 38 kg
  • BODY TYPE emaciated
  • AGAB/SEX male
  • SCENT spicy
  • SCARS on his arms and ear
  • SKIN TONE light
  • EYE COLOR yellow
  • HAIRSTYLE bald
  • HAIR COLOR none
  • OUTFIT STYLE rockstar
  • PRESENTATION it depends
  • ROLE main character
  • CREATOR Sarena
  • OBTAINED BY Sarena
  • DESIGNER Sarena
  • WORTH a lot
  • CLAIM VOICE Piotr Rogucki

design notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In in luctus turpis. Quisque mollis.
  • Praesent luctus tellus in pretium hendrerit. Donec dui massa, sodales non augue ultricies, dictum condimentum sem. Aliquam tincidunt lacinia mi at scelerisque.
  • Etiam dictum mauris et purus ornare luctus. In pretium libero ac porttitor aliquam.
  • Aliquam tincidunt lacinia mi at scelerisque. Etiam interdum auctor elit, a consequat ex finibus ac. Etiam dictum mauris et purus ornare luctus. In pretium libero ac porttitor aliquam. Etiam dictum mauris et purus ornare luctus. In pretium libero ac porttitor aliquam.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In in luctus turpis. Quisque mollis.
  • Praesent luctus tellus in pretium hendrerit. Donec dui massa, sodales non augue ultricies, dictum condimentum sem. Aliquam tincidunt lacinia mi at scelerisque.
  • Etiam dictum mauris et purus ornare luctus. In pretium libero ac porttitor aliquam.
  • Aliquam tincidunt lacinia mi at scelerisque. Etiam interdum auctor elit, a consequat ex finibus ac.


Name Surname relationship -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget cursus nibh. Morbi volutpat viverra nulla, nec convallis velit. Sed ullamcorper eleifend nisi non fringilla.

Name Surname relationship -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget cursus nibh. Morbi volutpat viverra nulla, nec convallis velit. Sed ullamcorper eleifend nisi non fringilla.

Name Surname relationship -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget cursus nibh. Morbi volutpat viverra nulla, nec convallis velit. Sed ullamcorper eleifend nisi non fringilla.

 Come Together 
 The Beatles 