
3 years, 3 months ago


Galileo theme:Good to be alive

.: General Info :.

Name: Galileo
Pronunciation: Ga-li-leo 
Nicknames: Leo, starboy, Gally
Age: 8
Birthday: 6/12
Birthplace: space
Species: Star reforged into a child or starborn
Gender: male
Sexuality: working on that :D
Height: 5’7

.:Distinguishing features:.
Slightly glowing yellow body with bright orange eyes and a red scarf/cape with an emblem of a star on it.

Current residence: Wanderer
Current home: Wanderer
Occupation: Occ
Relationship status: single
Social status: a very “BRIGHT” person

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: has a British accent 
Language: common,
Other languages known: none
Style of speaking: verbal

.: Personality :.

Very childish and curious. A little impulse and tends to with what his gut tells him. Unbelievably gullible and needs a adult with him at all times so he doesn't get into stupid situations. He is very sweet thou and willing to give hugs to sad people and cheer them up. Super warm and cuddly

Likes: likes
Dislikes: dislikes
Hobbies/past times: text
Guilty pleasures: text
Pet peeves: text
Personal goals: to find his purpose 
Religious values: text
General intelligence: text
General sociability: text

.: Relationships :.



Friends (currently)

Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: skilled in hand-to-hand combat 
Peaceful or violent? here
Weapon(s) of choice: here

.: Abilities :.

Has the ability to create star-like energy and use it how he sees fit. He can make shields,energy blasts and even star gauntlets. He can make small lights to light a dark path. He can even use his star power to fly

-North star-
 This transformation ups all of Galileo stats and makes his star power go up tenfold. He glows a bright yellow and gains 3 trailing stars behind him. He called these stars East,West and South with him being the north. He just has to call them and the will expand into a big star shield to protect him.

With a star deep inside him he can in a last ditch attempt self destruct and go supernova incinerating everything within a 50 mile radius. This one move is very dangerous and results in Leo’s death.


.: Fears :.


.: Health :.



.: History :.

One day the creator Plague was floating through space feeling bored and saw a bright star. He wondered,hmmm I wonder if I could turn that star into a stick. So he did he molded the star into a young boy and named him Galileo after the famous Italian astronomer. After giving him a personality and his would be trademark red scarf, Plague sent the child hurtling towards soul rune ceir. But the creator forgot one thing he forgot to give the boy a purpose. Now the boy will have to find out his purpose on his own.


.: Other Details :.
