


7 years, 1 month ago




22 ✦ Male ✦ Space Guardian

"Space may seem endless, but after traveling through it for a countless amount of time, it becomes boring, everything's the same no matter where you look."


Liemos has lived in space for as long as he can remember. He doesn't remember having a childhood or what it was like when he was young, but he knows that his duty has always been to patrol the galaxies, keeping records of every single star he has found. This goes on for countless years. He always used to be happy and exciting finding new stars, but now he's just so bored. He doesn't know what the purpose is to keep all these records of the stars, but he knows he'll keep on doing it anyways.

During one point in time, Liemos stumbled upon the planet Earth. He knew he wasn't supposed to go near planets, knowing that the gravity would pull him into them with a great force. Although, he noticed these large, deep blue patched on the planet. He had never seen such a beautiful color before. Whenever he would patrol around Earth, he would always take extra time to just, admire those blue spots; the soft movements in them, the larger and rougher storms he was during them, it was all a wonderful sight for him to see.

One day, Liemos notices these.. creatures. Inside of the great blue mass? He got closer to get a better look, but he ended up getting too close, being caught by Earth's gravity. He was dropping so fast, diving into the planet. He was hurled into that blue mass, finding out that it was a great body of water. Plunging into the water, Liemos didn't know what to do, he had never even seen water, let alone be able to swim in it..


Liemos doesn't age, but his looks make him appear around the age of 22, so that's what he goes by. He usually has a blank, unfocused stare coming from his golden eyes. His mint green hair has quite a shine to it, but underneath it is a darker shade that falls just slightly past his shoulders. There's a large star above his ear that matches the color of his eyes.

  • Earth
  • The Ocean
  • Stars (I guess)
  • Things he's never seen before
  • Other living beings (fascinated)
  • Things that are endless
  • Himself
  • Boring things
  • Fast moving objects
  • Other living beings (not used to them yet)


The very first memory Liemos has is waking up in a vast open area, space. No one was around, just him and the countless stars around him. He wandered for quite a while, time had no meaning to him, so he couldn't tell for how long. He later came upon a greater being, who hid in darkness. This being gave him his name, telling him what he was meant to do. "Become the keeper of the stars. You will go around, recording every star inside of every galaxy. You are to keep track of when a star is born, when it dies, and any other changes you see. You just have one rule, stay away from any planets, or else you will never be able to return to space." Liemos didn't disagree, he left without a word, after receiving and endless journal, where he could keep his records. 







profile html by Hukiolukio