Postal's Comments

Does anyone in my th interest you? My sonas and Jodi are off limits 

Hey there!

The only one I really connected with was w1ld, but I feel like that wouldn't be a fair trade on your part with his extra art and the fact he's one of your mains. 

I appreciate you offering though!

Oh hi!

I don't think I would trade w1ld if he had less art, he means a lot to me. Your welcome though! I hope you have a good/day night ^^

Also I really like your art style :)

Yeah I figured! Didn't want to give a cheaper adopt on my end! Hope you have a good day/night as well!

Also, tysm! I appreciate that ^^

Hi! I own postal now :3, I am looking to trade him

oh cool! Does anyone in my th interest you(sonas,mains, and jack are off limits)

I looked and no one did, cuz I only have a few folders to look in, the thing I’m currently the most interested in is a scary monster that isn’t a furry

oh sorry about that