
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Thresh (Th-reh-sh) - Fluffy Pronounce: Thwesh (Th-weh-sh)




Earth Pony




Slightly above average


Randomly wiggles when sitting still for too long, Stares at things and people a lot


Hide and Seek, Making his owner happy, doodling with oversized washable markers, watching bumblebees and butterflies


Spaghetti, being brushed, sun dried blankets, belly rubs, wearing little hats, kid-friendly anime,


Static shocks, isolation, being yelled at, sorry boxes/sticks, being called a bad fluffy, most other animals, large volumes of water, overly hot/cold weather, storms


Thresh, like the majority of fluffies, has the following basic personality traits: Overly energetic, lovable, loud, clingy, naive, and cute. However, at times, he's become so utterly absorbed in staring at someone/something that he'll actually become completely quiet. At least until his concentration breaks, then he'll resume being noisy and cute. He's keenly aware of when his owner is upset or sad and does his best to be even cuter to make his owner feel better; sometimes it even works.



Traumatic Incidents

Saw an owl swoop down and eat a young feral fluffy off the front lawn once, accidentally watched a rated R movie, was subjected to non-consensual voyeurism by his owner, accidentally watched a documentary on chicken nuggets



Bred by Hasbio in secret as part of the Fluffy Pony New Generation Project, Thresh began life knowing the pain of being poked and prodded for quality assurance. However, his painful youth was cut short in a beneficial way. One of the underpaid researchers working on the Project discretely absconded with Thresh and a handful of other new generation fluffy ponies. The researcher sold Thresh and the others to a black market contact. This contact in turn located buyers and resold the fluffies to discrete individuals. Such is how Thresh came into the possession of his current owner, Arctos.

Arctos was a man of above average means, buying and selling antiques. Through one of his contacts, he became aware of new generation fluffy's being sold and readily made the calls necessary to purchase one from the black market dealer. Thresh readily accepted Arctos as his new owner, happily bumbling around the modest home. Though Arctos was overall a caring and good owner, it was during those few instances when he closed the door to his office that Thresh would get into trouble and experience unpleasant things.

Such things included climbing up into a window only to watch a feral fluffy foal get scooped up by an owl and killed mid flight by the great feathered creature. Thresh also proved himself just smart enough to figure out that stamping on certain buttons on the remote control for the television would change the channel. This however ended up traumatizing him a bit as he accidentally put on an R-rated film and couldn't get it to turn off as well as a documentary on the making of chicken nuggets. Thresh has misbehaved at times, at one point shattering an exceptionally valuable artifact Arctos was temporarily storing. Such led to Thresh being subjected to forced voyeurism of Arctos.