
How does a plushie go from being an inanimate object to being a talking and walking living one? Allow me to tell you: When Harley was young; she had the plush monster given by their parents. The demon hippo decided to call her Tocky; giving comfort to her while still trying to find her way in the world at such a small age. Tocky helped Harley through her good and bad times, being worthwhile to have something close to snuggle with at all times. Once an adopt, they decided to give away their plush to her friend Doctor "Blue" Razz Berry to have it played with by child patients at Zootopia General. As a few years went by, the plush itself started to get some tears and wear, leading the permaberry hyena to fix her. Razz then decided to see if her big demon hippo friend wanted her back just in case.

She took Tocky the plushie along for a nice get together with Harley watching movies and other fun things that girls do. As the discussions they had lead to more personal ones, that's when Razz showed the repaired Tocky to Harley. Handing it to them, Harley looked at the work and wear the plush had making them close their thinking back to all the memories they shared. In that moment, Harley had an idea to make this lovely sweet plush become something more. Using her demon powers; a magic aura came upon the plushie. Tocky indeed was starting to change in many ways: its size increased in all areas of them. Their height increased to the point it became large and taller than Harley! Finally, the demon hippo thought her size was enough prompting her to give it life with gentle sparks from her fingers into the large plush.

In moments after using her demon powers, the large 7'6" Tocky began to blink, wiggle their large ears, move their large plush paws and walk! Razz could barely believe her eyes! To witness such a feat would be impossible, but again thanks to Harley's powers it was possible. But what made more surprising was when the plush spoke in a sweet gentle voice. Tocky smiled walking up to Harley giving her a hug telling the demon hippo that she remembered all their memories they had together. It was so touching that even Razz got in on the action prompting Tocky to laugh. So now; what to do with a large living and talking plush?

That was a easy. Razz decided to give her a job as emotional support for patients at the hospital she worked at. At first some children at the hospital weren't sure at first of this large living thing walking around them. It wasn't until Tocky began to calmly call over and allow the small patients to hug her. Soon all those doubts settled making her very popular as Razz and Nazara! The large plush always loved to hug any of her patients who needed it; be it for special procedures or many other things. Sometimes she was requested by child patients to have something to sleep with to which she didn't mind what so ever! It was a huge shock for the rest of Harley's friends to be honest. I don't think Patrick even got a word out before the large plush that was Tocky got a hug in on the wolf!