


9 years, 26 days ago


» Name: Demetri
» Nickname[s]: Demi or Tri
» Gender: Male
» Age: Young Adult, otherwise unknown
» Birthday: Feb 14
» Species: Canine
» Breed: Wolf (Newfoundland)
» Occupation: Dance and Entertainer [ Personal Information ]
» Personality: Caring Heedles Proud Impulsive
» History: Lives in the hustle and bustle of a busy tourist city known for its large parades and extravagant parties. Demetri grew up in the middle of fast paced music and thousands of people dancing all at the same time, all the time. Ever since he can remember hes been dancing and singing, his feet constantly moving well into the night. It has become a part of him and now theres no way to separate him from the parties and excitement. He'll crash whatever shindig he can find and dance his way into the crowd, often gaining a small group of watchers as he lets the music flow though him. It gives him a rush like no other feeling can compare, and its become addicting, a feeling he needs more and more of. His excitement for and craving for parties leaves him a bit impulsive, he often forgets he isnt completely wanted at certain places and will over stay his welcome. He also forgets that not everyone has such a love for parties as he does and will constantly insist people to stay around far after they've run out of juice and want to go home. Not everyone is appreciative of his high energy.

» Likes: Parties and romance. Absolutly cant get enough of a good party, loud music, dancing, and just being around fun! Also really likes to see happy couples general romances.
» Dislikes: Bullies, and anyone who isnt disturbed with putting other people down to benefit themselves. Also bad weather conditions that prevent going outside (a little rain is welcomed though).
» Talents: Dancing, and a bit of singing.
» Flaws: Is terrified of being laughed at or the butt of jokes. He'll want to stay for the party but his mood will immediately change to shy and closed.

[ Relationship Information ]
» Orientation: Pan-Sexual
» Status: Single
» Significant Other:
» Current Attraction[s]: None
» Family: Unknown
» Relationship[s]: N/A

[ Additional Information ]
» Extra[s]: -Feathers are a mutation, they grown constantly from the back of his head and down his neck to his upper back/shoulders.
-Another mutation is that he doesn't have a pupils; his eyes are a deep green, often being refereed to as a deep abyss. Sometimes there are small particles that float around that shine like stars. Not blind.
-His home has a full home speaker system, and will crank it up to full volume frequently. He will have new neighbors often.