Dreamy {Retired}



7 years, 1 month ago


Barabusshu Ponies are a closed species created by SEA-LI0N and memebiossom

Meet Dreamy! I don't know if she's going to have a two-part name, haven't decided yet oops
Her talent is mixing herbs, flowers and plants into different potions (mostly healing ones for specific things like headaches, colds, additional energy, vitality, etc.). She doesn't like herbs/flowers/plants with magical properties and very rarely uses them, mostly because her knowledge about them is quite lacking. But she does try, though, as she owns a few old books with recipes (but most of the time something goes wrong with her magical potions lmao the kiddo is smol and still learning)

Some info about her design [IF YOU'RE DRAWING HER, PLEASE READ <3]:
her ears are deer-like with white fluff inside
- sparkles on her hair and in her eyes are obligatory
- on her bush are dark green leaves and blue flowers
- the bag is obligatory (she collects flowers/herbs/plants into it~)
- her bush is a cloud
- there are small floating clouds around her bush
- she has three accessories attached to the branches
- she has heart-shaped horns

- no cutie mark

 Current worth: $8