Dominiq Mitsuru



7 years, 11 days ago


Adrogynous, Lust

They were anti-social once, but they were fine with that. They were forced by their guardians to become more social. They were told to just follow what everyone else did. They were told to just make people happy and not be a nuisance.

Tried to join social circles, but slowly lost parts of themself. Eventually, they realize that they're nothing but what their social circle has made them become, but they don't even remember who they were before. But they know they were different. Trying in vain to remember, they lose their social links, which only gives them more anguish. In the end, they lost both who they once were, as well as the reason they even sacrificed it in the first place. They're alone now, with not even themself in their solitude. They gave up on finding themself again.

The loneliness was driving them insane. They needed to feel love, somehow.


Society did help them with one thing at least: To play as whatever was asked or expected of them. They could act as anything. They cherished the moments they could act as something for someone, because it temporarily filled the void of their own lack of personality.

Dominique's always getting in new relationships. They usually go after people they feel most attracted to in a room. And they'll make sure to break up with them eventually. Especially when they feel they might actually start falling in love with the other person. Dominique imposes a rule on themself to never cheat though. And they're actually a really good partner, but they themself doesn't know if they're genuine in any of their actions, or if they're simply reflecting their partner's ideals. 

Dominique's one of those people who can't live without a partner. One of their fears is killing themselves before they hit 40 years old because they wont be young and beautiful anymore. They speak about it casually with Marquee (when they get close). Also, they sort of envy Marquee for his relationship with Otis.

They change their hairstyle alot (It's not just me being indecisive)
They enjoy decorating phone cases, and sometimes they get paid to do it