Shuurei Dyn-Sul



3 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)



Name: Shuurei Dyn-Sul
Species: Proto-Asmotheian
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

Occupation: The "Core"
Mate: Unknown
Prime: Unknown
Orientation: Heterosexual

There are few in the Galaxy, or even within Asmotheian Lore, that are more obscure and unknown than Shuurei. Though she exists deep within the Hive, there are but a handful of high ranking Asmotheian that are aware of her physical existence. In simple terms each and every Hive is aware of 'her' for she is the 'Core' and the very thing that allows all of them to hear and speak to one another. Her mind is their mind and within it they communicate freely and without limitations. All of collective consciousness flows through 'the Core' and in doing so it's continued existence is assured.

Alas, it is safe to say that if enemies were to become aware of the Core's physical existence then her safety and security would be at risk. Thus, Shuurei exists in total isolation - an ironic existence given the very thing in which she represents and the 'function' that she performs. Kept away from all but a select few, Shuurei often lives vicariously through others and has seen much through the eyes of the Hive.

While the Hives assume it is Agnieszka who is all-seeing, the truth is much more complex for it is Shuurei that sees all and speaks out in warning should anything she witness be of concern. Agnieszka has often regarded this peculiar Asmotheian's motivations with interest, a mind completely sealed to the Empress and yet open enough to ensure the survival of her kind. 

Nevertheless it can be argued that this peculiar individual possesses a phenomenal level of power and one might even dispute the Agnieszka's capacity to keep her contained. It can only be assumed therefore, that due to this disparity in strength, Shuurei has confined herself by choice and whatever reasons she might have for doing so are very much her own. 

It is safe to say that Agnieszka has suspicions that in time Shuurei might reveal her hand, but as it stands, the Core functions as intended and Asmotheians as a species are protected and sustained by her hidden might.


  • Chibi Art
  • Emotion Busts x4
  • Fullbody x2

Open To:
  • Roleplay, Cross world!
Not Open To:
  • No haggling, if offering please be aware I will only humour full price.