


3 years, 7 months ago


Thunder Clap

  • Age/Created5 Years
  • SpeciesRobot
  • GenderMasculine programming
  • OrientationUnknown
  • Relationship Statusnull


  • Comrades and friends
  • Learning his surroundings
  • Helping
  • Blend in


  • Begin useless
  • Not begin useful
  • Watching friends in "Pain"
  • Not able to talk.

Briefly describe your character here. It's kinda like an introduction. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante.


Had a short memory how he woke up from his past.

Event 1

A small team of mechanics created P.E.P.R to become a spaceship pilot, but he was never activated nor tested on before the special space police force in respond to a murder in the M.R.A.E (Mechatronics, robotics, and automations engineering), confiscated every other robot. somehow, he was hidden well enough for someone to sent him to melody knights. he's now ready to explore the reaches of space and understand his surroundings.

Meanwhile, He is begin chased by unknown stranger bounty hunter alien frog entered the ship with their danground weapon. no one was there but himself. Thunder was begin chased and hidden. Till melody joined the fight to save him

The alarm went on and security aimmed at alien. till she surrender. asked why she want to hunt on thunder. told he is on bounty hunter poster. even though he didn't do anything. melody raised credits for thunder so he wont get hurt by alien anymore. now alien frog's ship is shut down, she got no choice but team up with melody and clap.

Event 2


Event 3



Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit
  • Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor
  • Vestibulum magna
  • Creator@Username
  • Designer(s)@Username
  • Obtained byTrade/ Resale/ Gift
  • Total Value$0.00

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