


3 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info

Belgian Malinois
Federal Marshal
May 14


  • Adaptable
  • Cautious
  • Diplomatic
  • Perceptive


  • Martyr
  • Nagging
  • Stubborn
  • Workaholic

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Patient Restless
Optimist Pessimist
Serious Trivial
Polite Sassy


The best term to describe Santiago is: Team Dad. He's the guy that, no matter how you feel about your actual father, he quickly takes a spot in your heart as that - you can have your actual dad, but Santiago just is a dad. He's warm and friendly, often giving people the impression that they can come to him with anything at all. You get the feeling that he'll never judge you or make you feel bad about what you have to say, something that feels very rare. He's the kind of guy that checks in every so often - have you eaten, have you been keeping up on water, you've been quiet, is something up? When Santiago is around, you have a feeling of peace and assurance that things will be taken care of, even if they go a little bit off the rails.

This does cause a problem in that he can go very overprotective without meaning to. You do something stupid, you slip up and you hurt yourself, suddenly you have a man demanding what the hell do you think you're doing?? Though his anger always comes from a place borne of worry, it can be fairly intimidating having him right there and grilling you. Sometimes he acts like if he isn't the one in charge, things will turn to shambles - yeah that other marshal is a good enough guy, Santiago doesn't doubt it, but this a big task, right? What's he even thinking? Santiago wouldn't do things that way. He's very set in his ways, often digging his heels in, trying to stop the inevitable push that comes with things. For Santiago "because I said so" seems to be a more than acceptable answer.


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Nulla eu blandit nisl. Quisque nec nulla eu lorem aliquet commodo. Vestibulum maximus laoreet lacus a sollicitudin. Nam vitae libero tempor, aliquet libero congue, tincidunt libero. Etiam elit neque, vehicula et interdum vitae, sodales et libero. Aliquam pulvinar vulputate sapien, id lacinia orci cursus eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel quam at ante blandit lacinia. Pellentesque eget arcu lacus.




Trivia & Notes

  • His family is originally from Quito, Ecuador, but Santiago himself is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • Though he grew up in Louisiana, he moved away from the state to New York when he was 18. His accent usually only slips out when he's extra angry.
  • He had a son named Victor when he was 18. Victor wound up developing cancer at the age of 21 and wound up killing himself so he wouldn't have to deal with treatments.
  • He was married to a woman named Grace Hurst, which happened shortly after he turned 18. They were married for about four years before he just couldn't live the lie anymore. The divorce was relatively painless.
  • One of his biggest pet peeves is putting a very dirty dish (anything with food particals on it) into fresh, clean dish water. At least rinse it off first.




[ husband ]

This is the man he chose to marry. This is the man who came barreling into his life to tell him that his wine choices were absolutely shit and Santiago hasn't opted to look back since. Julien has brought a sense of completeness to Santiago's life, something that if Julien were ever to leave him or heaven forbid die, there would be no filling that back up. He loves the high energy that Julien brings to things, he loves his vibrant colors and eccentric tastes, he loves how he's passionate about things. Santiago thinks too often people focus on what an adult is supposed to be and it's never "someone who can get away with anything because they're an adult". He's always going to encourage Julien to be himself because this is the man he has come to love and adore. Try to say something bad about Julien, he dares you, you won't be coming back from it, that's for sure.



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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