


3 years, 4 months ago


The Bastard Prince Of Hell
Prince Stolas
aliases: Birdie (by Whipcord); Little Prince; Owlet
gender: M he/him
orientation: Bisexual
born: 1185, Hell
incense: Cedar
metal: Tin
residence: Satan's castle, in Hell
height: 4'00" / 121.92 cm
eye/hair: blue / ginger

A little fiend, and the son of Satan (probably. No one really knows). As a prince of hell, his ego is larger than he is, believing his status can get him anything. Secretly, however, he’s incredibly lonely. Demons are afraid of his father, and most that aren’t just think Stolas is pretentious and like to use him as a punching bag. This backfires on them very fast- Stolas is incredibly powerful, owning a pitchfork twice his size which he uses as a conduit for his own powers of shooting out painful electric shocks.

His favorite pasttime is tormenting the castle guards by zapping them with lightning from his pitchfork the moment they start to slack off, as this makes him feel powerful. His second-favorite pasttime is working in his herb garden.

Stolas has a tendency to speak with antiquated language. He uses "thou" and "thee" for individuals he believes below him, as well as those he's close to.

  • Like most demons, he takes on a different form in the mortal world. Stolas defaults to an owl or a raven, but is able to turn into a human if desired.
  • In his natural demon form, he has stubby little wings. These wings are too small for him to fly with, and so he hides them under his jacket.
  • Can turn his head a full 360 degrees.
Whipcord "Associate"
Whipcord is Stolas's best friend with benefits- some standard for a FWB relationship, and some not. This started as a mutually beneficial arrangement- Whipcord would use his human mortal world form to draw star charts for Stolas, and Stolas would protect him in hell. However, over the years, this arrangement grew into a legitimate friendship. Eventually, Whipcord grew attracted to Stolas, and propositioned him- and thus, a sexual aspect was added to their relationship.
Maeluiel Stepmom/Girlfriend
Maeluiel and Stolas started their affair before she married his dad. The two of them continued it afterwards, and it isn't like Satan cares. They're not actually that close, though, and it's just a fling.
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