Kambaba Jasper



3 years, 7 months ago


Even before being corrupted she was always a lone wolf. She preferred to act on her own and sensing that her commanders would usually make sure to assign her to scouting parties, or other menial tasks that she wouldn't need to rely on others. While she wasn't the greatest at what she did her lack of sense for tactics and team coordination, left her in the most useful place possible short of her being deemed defective and her gem being harvested for other things. 

She was among many other gems that hadn't managed to escape earth before the corruption blast, and made her home deep in a marshy and forgotten forest. Rumors among the humans spread of a beast roaming the unwelcoming place, and she became a bit of an urban legend. 

After being uncorrupted she found it hard to adapt to the new lifestyle she was given. Without any ties before the mess, she retreated back into the forest, opting to spend her days amongst the rotting trees in solitude.